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사고발화법을 이용한 한국어 요약문 쓰기 전략 분석

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The Study of the Strategies on Composing a Korean Summary Using the 'Think Aloud Protocol': with a focus on the results of Comparison Between Korean and Chinese College Students
간행물 정보
『한국어교육』23권 3호, 315~342쪽, 전체 28쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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The target of the study used the comparison of Korean students and Chinese students when it came to the way in which they compose a summary article written in Korean. The activity within the study was comprised of reading and writing where students were asked to interpret the selected key parts of a written piece into their own words. This activity itself is a fundamental part of academic writing. Existing research done on the composition of a summary is based upon the result of the writing process. However, the focal point of this study was placed upon the actual thought process occurring while reading and writing. Therefore, in the study the students were asked to first read the material given prior to interpreting the material into writing using the 'Think Aloud Protocol.'The result of the study showed that the Chinese students took approximately two times longer to compose the summary. Particularly, the Korean students showed a displacement for their spending a deal of time in the editing of their writing, while the Chinese students did not get nearly consumed in their time editing as they did in looking up vocabulary and understanding the context of the original piece. Furthermore, the strategy used in composing the summary was also observed and analyzed. In comparison to the Korean students and their understanding of vocabulary through the central meaning of the writing and its role within the contextual structure itself, Chinese students deduced the meaning of a word through its pronunciation in the case of the word being rooted in Chinese characters or English, despite the great deal of time consumed in the searching of words in a dictionary. In the process of summarizing, Korean students utilized various approaches such as selection, deletion, generalizing, and rephrasing. On the other hand, Chinese students primarily only used selection and deletion. Lastly, when it came to the editing of their writing, Korean students spent a lot of time making corrections to words and assuring the flow of the writing was logical, whereas the Chinese students spent little to no time in the editing their writing.


1. 서론
2. 선행 연구 검토
3. 연구 방법
4. 자료의 분석
5. 사고발화법을 통한 요약하기 연구의 의의
6. 결론


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이은경. (2012).사고발화법을 이용한 한국어 요약문 쓰기 전략 분석. 한국어교육, 23 (3), 315-342


이은경. "사고발화법을 이용한 한국어 요약문 쓰기 전략 분석." 한국어교육, 23.3(2012): 315-342

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