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한국어 초급 학습자를 위한 문학 교육 연구

이용수 14

Study on methods of teaching literature to beginner learners
간행물 정보
『한국어교육』23권 3호, 195~229쪽, 전체 35쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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This study suggests methods of teaching literature to beginner learners based on survey of learners. Most studies on teaching literature focus on intermediate or advanced level students. This trend is same at the field where literature is directly taught. In some cases, literature was taught to beginner learners, but in those cases, we found out that literatures genres, works of literature and ways to study literature were very limited. That limitation is created by the misconception that literature should be taught to certain level of Korean language learners. However, language level is not the only factor that determines how well learners can appreciate literature. Learners whose language level is at the beginner level could have advanced level of understanding and literature appreciation. We should not ignore the fact that many Korean learners are adults with certain level of intelligence. In oder to provide methods of teaching literature to beginner students, this study critically looked at how the studies on this area progressed. In addition, this study surveyed beginner learners on teaching literature to find out what learners need and how they think about learning literature. With the result of the survey, this study suggests methods of teaching literature as follows. First, beginner learners should have the chance to understand and appreciate literature alongside language and culture. Secondly, we should provide more opportunities to appreciate various genres of literature. Thirdly, we should modify the text of a work of literature appropriate to the learners. Lastly, textbooks and curriculum should provide various ways to incorporate literature.


1. 들어가기
2. 초급 학습자 대상의 문학 교육 현황
3. 문학 교육에 대한 학습자들 반응 및 요구
4. 초급 학습자를 위한 문학 교육 방향
5. 초급 학습자를 위한 문학 수업 구성
6. 나가기


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윤영. (2012).한국어 초급 학습자를 위한 문학 교육 연구. 한국어교육, 23 (3), 195-229


윤영. "한국어 초급 학습자를 위한 문학 교육 연구." 한국어교육, 23.3(2012): 195-229

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