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근대 중국 탐정소설(偵探小說)의 대중성과 정전(正典)에 대한 도전

이용수 3

柳昌辰 丁海里
간행물 정보
『중국인문과학 』제73집, 329~350쪽, 전체 22쪽
인문학 > 문학

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This paper contains a willingness to analyze public prospects, such as detective novels, which have been considered marginal in the world of solemn academic discourse. Specifically, the study focused on the narrative structure principle, aesthetic form, and its modernity in detective novels in modern china. Detective novel is a public fiction about an incomprehensible crime or a labyrinth where a case is logically solved by a rational hero-detection. Because of this nature of detective novel, the primary interest of the readers in reading it focuses on how the event is resolved rather than the content and ending of the work. Readers' interest and curiosity about this is the narrative force that makes them read detective novels, and most of such narrative power comes from narrative structure and demonstration. On the premise, Chapter 2 discussed its aesthetic form, focusing on the narrative structure and argument of detective novel in modern china. In this period, detective novel attempts to employ a inversion description structure. This structure was hardly found in traditional Chinese novels that proceeded sequentially. On the other hand, the popularity and attractiveness of detective novel can be found in the possibility that the inexplicable case is solved in a pleasant way, that is, it solves the problem and desire that we cannot solve in reality logically and clearly and acts on behalf of us. At the same time, the rational argument to solve the mystery that is intertwined in the work can be said to be the minimum basic rule governing the possibility of the public literature of detective novel in modern China. In Chapter 3, the paper recognizes modern reason and science as one of the core principles of modernity, and examines how the elements of human rights, law, and science, which are modernized, are described in detective novel. In this period, detective novel developed within the field of rationalism and enlightenment, which shows that the emergence of detective novel is an important modern phenomenon. Detective novel is also a typical modern novel that internalizes modern thinking and science. At the same time, the logic, which is the core of detective novel, is reason and science. In other words, rationalism is the basis of detective novel. In this regard, detective novel is not only the most typical modern novel but also the novel that best embodies modernity.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 대중성을 이끈 낯선 서사 구조와 형식 미학
Ⅲ. 정전(正典)으로서의 탐정소설의 근대성과 기대 지평
Ⅳ. 나오는 말


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柳昌辰,丁海里. (2019).근대 중국 탐정소설(偵探小說)의 대중성과 정전(正典)에 대한 도전. 중국인문과학 , (), 329-350


柳昌辰,丁海里. "근대 중국 탐정소설(偵探小說)의 대중성과 정전(正典)에 대한 도전." 중국인문과학 , (2019): 329-350

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