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고교남자 축구선수의 포지션에 따른 운동능력 특성 및 Test Battery 구성

이용수 31

A Characteristic of Motor Ability and Test Battery Composition According to Position in Male High School Soccer Player
최민동(Min Dong Choi)
간행물 정보
『Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society (JKDAS)』Vol.11 No.4, 2277~2290쪽, 전체 14쪽
자연과학 > 통계학

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본 연구는 고교남자축구선수를 대상으로 운동능력의 인자구조를 분석하고 집단간의 인자점수의 차이와 집단별 인자점수간 상관, 축구경기기술과의 상관 및 운동능력항목과의 관련성을 검토하여 운동능력의 검사항목을 구성한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 고교축구선수는 동적-정적근력인자, 평형성-유연성인자, 민첩성인자 등 3개의 인자로 구성되며, 둘째, 수비수의 평형성-유연성인자점수는 공격수보다 높고, 셋째, 인자들간에는 서로 상관이 없었다. 넷째, 인자와 축구경기기술의 상관에서 수비수가 공격수보다 더 많은 항목과 상관이 있었다. 다섯째, 동적-정적근력인자는 공격수는 배근력이, 수비수는 오래달리기가, 평형성-유연성인자는 공격수는 황새서기, 수비수는 체전굴이, 민첩성인자는 공격수는 팔자달리기가, 수비수는 멀리뛰기기가 편상관이 제일 높았다. 여섯째, 공격수는 배근력, 황새서기, 팔자달리기 항목으로, 수비수는 수직뛰기, 황새서기, 윗몸일으키기 항목으로 운동능력의 검사항목을 구성하는 것이 타당할 것으로 본다.

영문 초록

This study was performed to examine the factor structure of motor ability and to compare factor scores between the attacker group and the defender group and to explain correlation between item and factor, and to compose test battery of motor ability in each group. 47 male high school soccer players, as the attacker group and the defender group, were selected for this study. The conclusions were as follows: First, the motor ability structure in male high school soccer player was composed of dynamic-static muscular strength, balance-flexibility, agility factors. Second, the balance-flexibility factor score of the defender group was higher than the attacker group’s score. Third, there were no significant correlation between factor scores in two groups. Fourth, In correlation between factor score and soccer skill, the defender group has correlation with more items than the attacker group. Fifth, back strength of the attacker group and endurance run of the defender group in the dynamic-static strength factor, stork stand of attacker group and trunk flexion of defender group in the balance-flexibility factor, and figure 8 duck of the attacker group and standing long jump of the defender group was the highest partial correlation among items. Sixth, it will be validity that the test battery is composed of back strength, stork stand and figure 8 duck in the attacker group, of vertical jump, stork stand, and sit-ups in the defender group.


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최민동(Min Dong Choi). (2009).고교남자 축구선수의 포지션에 따른 운동능력 특성 및 Test Battery 구성. Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society (JKDAS), 11 (4), 2277-2290


최민동(Min Dong Choi). "고교남자 축구선수의 포지션에 따른 운동능력 특성 및 Test Battery 구성." Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society (JKDAS), 11.4(2009): 2277-2290

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