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高句麗 초기 積石墓의 기원과 築造集團의 계통

이용수 859

The Origin of the Piled-stone tombs in the early days of the Koguryo dynasty, and the Nature of the faction that was responsible for constructing them
한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소
여호규(Yeo, Ho-kyu, 余昊奎)
간행물 정보
『역사문화연구』제39집, 173~227쪽, 전체 55쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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국문 초록

고구려 초기 積石墓는 지상의 墓壇에 매장부를 마련한 독특한 墓制이다. 종래 많은 연구자들이 요동반도 남단의 청동기시대 적석묘나 압록강 중하류의 石堆遺蹟을 고구려 적석묘의 기원 내지 동일한 묘제로 이해했다. 그렇지만 이들은 집단 묘이거나 석관묘 계통으로서 고구려 적석묘와 동일한 묘제로 볼 수 없다. 압록강 중상류를 포함한 千山山脈 동부 산간지대는 기원전 3세기 초ㆍ중반까지도 청동기문화 단계에 머물렀지만, 급격한 정세변동 속에서 문화적 친연성이 높은 주민집단을 형성했다. 이 지역에는 기원전 3세기 말경부터 철기문화가 본격적으로 보급되었는데, 적석묘도 이때부터 조영되기 시작했다. 다만 고구려 초기 적석묘는 고구려 발상지인 압록강 중상류 일대에서만 조영되었다. 천산산맥 동부 산간지대의 주민집단이 철기문화의 보급과 더불어 압록강 중상류의 고구려 건국집단과 그 西邊의 주민집단으로 분화한 것이다. 그러므로 고구려 건국집단은 철기문화의 보급 및 적석묘의 조영과 더불어 형성되었다고 할 수 있다. 또한 청동기시대의 문화전통이 고구려 초기 유적까지 계승되는 것으로 보아 이 지역의 토착민이 고구려 건국집단의 주류를 이루었다고 파악된다.

영문 초록

The stone-piled tomb(積石墓) from the early days of the Koguryo dynasty was indeed a unique type of a tomb, as it established a burial chamber at a section of the grave(墓壇) that was actually above the ground. Many scholars have been considering the bronze-age stone-piled tombs found in the southern part of the Liaotung region, or the stoned-hill vestiges(石堆遺蹟) located in the downstream and midstream areas of the Abrok-gang river, as the origin of, or at least a relative to, the Koguryo-style stone-piled tombs. Yet they were either graves meant for housing a whole lot of people, or graves that were equipped with stone-made coffins, and were definitely not the same with the Koguryo-style stone-piled tombs. The eastern remote area of the QianShan(千山) mountain range, including the upstream and midstream areas of the Abrok-gang river, remained at the Bronze-cultural stage up until the early years and also the middle period of the B.C. 3rd century. Then, amidst rapid political and also social changes, a population group with a culturally strong internal bond was formed. And at the end of the B.C. 3rd century, iron culture was newly introduced to the region, and the piled-stone tombs started to be constructed as well. Yet again, the stone-piled tombs of the early days of the Koguryo dynasty were only constructed in the upstream and midstream areas of the Abrok-gang river, where the dynasty was founded for the very first time. Under the influence of the newly introduced iron culture, the population group that had been living in the eastern remote areas of the QianShan mountain ranges started to diverge into the faction which founded the Koguryo dynasty at the upstream and midstream of the Abrok-gang river, and also into another faction that remained at the West side of the new kingdom. So we could say that the foundation group of Koguryo was only formed with the introduction of the iron culture and also the constructions of the stone-piled tombs. And judging from the fact that the traditions of the bronze age continued to manifest themselves in the early Koguryo vestiges, the residents of this region must have formed the main stream population of the foundation faction of Koguryo.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 기존 연구동향과 鴨綠江 中下流 ‘石堆’유적의 성격
Ⅲ. 압록강 중상류로의 철기문화 보급과정
Ⅳ. 積石墓 축조집단의 등장과 原高句麗社會의 형성
Ⅴ. 맺음말


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여호규(Yeo, Ho-kyu, 余昊奎). (2011).高句麗 초기 積石墓의 기원과 築造集團의 계통. 역사문화연구, 39 , 173-227


여호규(Yeo, Ho-kyu, 余昊奎). "高句麗 초기 積石墓의 기원과 築造集團의 계통." 역사문화연구, 39.(2011): 173-227

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