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'비창(悲愴)'의 두 가지 양상

이용수 91

Pathetique in Two Aspects - Focused on The Elderly People in Park, Tae-won’s novel-
홍혜원(Hye-weon, Hong)
간행물 정보
『어문연구』語文硏究 第63輯, 429~449쪽, 전체 21쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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This paper is the elderly man appeared Park. Tae-won’s novel, “Nakjo" and "Golmokan" of the people who analyze and visualize the way, this is based on colonial-era sense of the writer will give Park, Tae-won “Nakjo" is mainly appears to Objective description. However, sometimes the presence of his work in the narrator to ex∞se and show the inner character Choejusa pray. The Choejusa figure is three-dimensional shaping. Objective description of the work is dominant in the beginning, and increasingly in the second half of the figure shows a common sentiment. Thus, going toward death Choejusa it reveals a sad and depressing life. That falI the way of the plot and the narrative proper harmony. “Nakjo" poor people’s alienation in the colonial era and the poor, depressing show. “Golmokan" the narrator can not maintain the distance of the art, often showing the inner surface of all the characters that are omniscient. Why can not maintain the distance between the target at the time of the political situation has been deteriorating because the social conditions. In other words at the end of the colonial writer's aesthetic self-consclousness is not important. Novelist of the colonial era only to show life is gloomy and alienated. The end of Japanese colonial situation, Koreans have made the impoverished. This works well with the writer reveaIs. Park, Tae-won represented the sense of alienation of the colonial era through “Nakjo" and “Golmokan ". 'Nakjo ,. how it works as described by the distance of the aesthetic value is shown. "Golmokan" a senior figures in schizophrenia showed repression of the situation well.


1. 들어가며
2. <낙조> : '최주사'의 우울과 상실
3. <골목안> : '순이 아버지'의 절망과 분열
4. 나가며


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홍혜원(Hye-weon, Hong). (2010).'비창(悲愴)'의 두 가지 양상. 어문연구, 63 , 429-449


홍혜원(Hye-weon, Hong). "'비창(悲愴)'의 두 가지 양상." 어문연구, 63.(2010): 429-449

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