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전봉건 시의 반복, 변주, 변용 기법 고찰

이용수 371

The Investigation of Repeat, Variation, Modification Technique in Jeon Bong-Geon's Poetry
오형엽(Hyung-yup, Oh)
간행물 정보
『어문연구』語文硏究 第63輯, 319~344쪽, 전체 26쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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This writing investigates repeat. variation, modification technique in Jean Bong-Geon's poetry, This writing divide musical technique of Joon Bong-Geon' poetry ‘repeat’ and ‘variation’ greatly, and classify 'repeat' as 'recurrence of word' 'recurrence of sentence' 'recurrence of phrase' clause’. and classify 'variation' as 'parallel antithesis' 'chain antithesis' 'gradation antithesis'. And We examined how whether such technique of 'repeat' and 'variation' is changed as technique of 'modification ’ between central Images of 'blood/snow' 'darkness/ight(fire) ’ 'flower·bird', The basicest musical technique of Jean Bong-Geon' poetry is ‘repeat'. 'Repeat’ means that equal word, sentence, phrase, clause are repeated 'Repeat’is used to same concept with 'recurrence' here, Recurrence of word, sentence, phrase' clause appears frequently in Joon Bong-Geon' poetry, "BISCUITS" maximizes human's existence who is trivial and broken in critical backdrop of the war projecting speaker's nerve evidence mind yearning to ‘BISCUITS’ repeatedly , Recurrence of sentence ‘The wicked die in the spring’ role of a kind of central axis that fix flowing of variation and change furthermore forming musical rhythm by repeat chiefly in “ItaIian Western Again", Discriminating interval of repetition about word, clause, phrase, sentence is a device that control musical rate by 'presto’ ‘allegro' 'moderato' in "Apple-With Chanson Simiarly". The most representative technique of 'variation ’ is 'antithesis’ in Jeon Bong-Geon' poetry. 'Antithesis' is used to similar concept with 'parallelism', method that repeats equal surface structure by each unit but is inserted new component in the structure, 'Parallel antithesis’ ‘chain antithesis’ 'gradation antithesis' appears frequently in Jeon Bong-Geon' poetry, 'Parallel antithesis' brings of musical effect and meaning effect that is 'open’ and 'spread' through ‘repeat’ and ‘variation' in "On The Small Roof". “The Sun" shows circulatory dran1a of 'life → death→ Refreshing' that is created between poetic speaker and sea playing a variation of rose color through technique of 'chain antithesis’, 'Gradation antithesis' shows directional point of poetic consciousness that gives direction of 'rise’ to 'opening’ and 'spread’ that ‘parallel antithesis’ have basically in “ Woman of The Morning" Central images of Jeon Bong-Geon' poetry are 'blood → snow 'darkness/ight(fire)' 'flower' bird'. The process that union of ' blood’ and 'snow' is converted as ‘flower' , and as 'fire' furthermore can be called 'alchemy of Ianguage’ between material lmages in "Fire", "Drum 1" shows primary image modification that is 'flower → blood', 'bird → flesh', 'breast → drum', 'drum→fire' at each stanza, and shows secondary image modification that is ‘flower+bird= breast ,'blood+flesh = drum’ 'breast+drum =fire' by 'chain antithesis’. In the end, technique of 'repeat' 'variation’ tum out with 'condensation' through 'reiteration' of action subject as God and human And from inner power occured when effect of 'opening’ 'spread’ meets effect of 'union' 'synthesis' or effect of 'connection' 'rise', technique of modification' is created.


1. 머리말
2. 반복 : 단어, 문장, 구·절의 회기
3. 변주 : 병렬적, 연쇄적, 점층적 대구
4. 변용 : 눈/피, 빛(불)/어둠, 꽃·새
5. 맺음말


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오형엽(Hyung-yup, Oh). (2010).전봉건 시의 반복, 변주, 변용 기법 고찰. 어문연구, 63 , 319-344


오형엽(Hyung-yup, Oh). "전봉건 시의 반복, 변주, 변용 기법 고찰." 어문연구, 63.(2010): 319-344

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