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에코페미니즘의 지향과 여성성의 복원

이용수 495

The intentionality for ecofeminism and restoration of feminity - Focused on Kang-Eun Gyo’s poetry -
이연승(Yon-seung, Lee)
간행물 정보
『어문연구』語文硏究 第63輯, 365~394쪽, 전체 30쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

1:1 문의
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This thesis aims to prove meaning of the αletry of KangEun Gyo. Especially I focused on ecofeminism and motherhood. Ecofeminism is a progressive theory that criticizes fundamentally inequality and oppression occuring in most of relations including ruling and suoordination, man and woman, human and nature and responds practically. Ecofeminism is fundamentally sprit indwelling in men's attitude on living and death. A study on the Ecofeminism in the literature is, however. insufficient because of much misunderstanding on the matter of ecology and feminism This thesis, study on KangEun Gyo's poetry through ecofeminism is written for clarifying rerognition of OOdy, nature. and the origin of feminity value. KangEun Gyo's poetry has the symool of nature in plenty and the ecological ideology of life that all living things are very important each other equally. She pursues such primitive orderly world as divine nature. It appears that ecoferninism is one of the recursive instincts toward divine nature. She finds the divinity of nature and the power of life, in addition to he is empathic on participating in ego as a small universe actively. Erotism is in action nature, it is an ability of recognizing energy, divine nature. divinity, symbol of archetype. 'Motherhood'restored by KangEun Gyo is a practitioner of sufficient love, who provides nutrients to an unproductive world and embraces the dying and humble. Ecofeminism perspective of KangEun Gyo' poetry has the strong life consciousness and female insight. The native place in the poetic world ofEcoferninism is symlbolic space of divine world and it represents the original recursive place which can revive the original self, body, and cosmos.


1. 서론
2. 몸의 이미지와 치유의 시학
3. 삶과 죽음의 경계 공간과 자비의 시학
4. 주술의 언어와 회귀(回歸)의 시학
5. 결론


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이연승(Yon-seung, Lee). (2010).에코페미니즘의 지향과 여성성의 복원. 어문연구, 63 , 365-394


이연승(Yon-seung, Lee). "에코페미니즘의 지향과 여성성의 복원." 어문연구, 63.(2010): 365-394

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