박완서 소설의 정신분석학적 고찰
이용수 593
- 영문명
- Psychoanalytic Consideration of Wan-suh Park’s Novels
- 발행기관
- 어문연구학회
- 저자명
- 김영택(Yung-taek, Kim) 신현순(Hyun-sun, Shin)
- 간행물 정보
- 『어문연구』語文硏究 第63輯, 295~317쪽, 전체 23쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2010.03.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
The thesis aimed to analyze inner psychology of characters in the works through the viewpoint of 'complex' of Yung and 'instable’ psychology of K. Honi with the subject of Shade of desire (1993) . Arrogance and
Daydream (1994) of Wan-suh Park's Novels These are considered tendency of psychological novel in this paper.
Because The characters in two works got to experience psychological pains for their lifetime, and it 떠s absolute influence on their behaviors and lives. therefore, this needs its in-depth analysis in a psychoanalytic viewpoint. The argument is developed looking around 'complex'-like substance and
characteristics of appearing characters and then, tried to clarify its meaning. The substance of complex and characteristics are exposed facts which are whole children - nine people - are child of a concubine and Ioss of family identity due to absence of household and stepmother replace the role of household at the Shade of Desire.
Especially 'The mentality of characters are inherent in material greed called heritage as compensation for complex of loss of family identity Also, it could be confirmed that 'alienated consciousness’ and 'isolation',
which are characteristics of a contemporary psychological novel, and that a currently rising 'family disorganization' phenomenon appears remarkably. These things are not exposed only alertness. distrust and detestation among the brothers by different mother but also uncovered external and symbolic technique such as brilliant clothes, violence, violent language. loss of identity. and disorder. The complex in Arrogance and Daydream makes uneasy mentality between The rich scion of pro-β며nese group and the poor descendant of solider of national independence and the complex came to an universal destruction in order and confusion in the characters' life. As look into. Wan-suh Park investigated inner mentality of modern peopIe which is impoverished and complicated by using hidden complex and uneasy mentality in two novels through this. Wan-suh Park seems to the most important thing is selection method which are endured pain and translated whole life between postive and negative. It can be found the meaning of argument by proposing fictitious alternative which is the acquisition of existence and emphasis of belief
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2. 콤플렉스의 실체
3. 인물의 불안 심리의 의미와 양상
4. 맺음말
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