<조카의 반심을 교화한 토정> 전설의 역사의식과 역사배경
이용수 62
- 영문명
- 발행기관
- 어문연구학회
- 저자명
- 황인덕(In-deok, Hwang)
- 간행물 정보
- 『어문연구』語文硏究 第63輯, 217~244쪽, 전체 28쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2010.03.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
This study has been undertaken to answer the question of why one episode in the Tojeong legend which involves his nephew Agae(鵝溪) Lee Sanhae(李山海) is far from the historical facts. In reality, Agae was a loyal
prime minister of King Seonp. In the legend, however, he is portrayed as a treacherous mastermind and depicted as escaping death with the help of his uncle Tojeong. This is too far away from the historical facts. To understand the reason behind such a depiction of Agae, it is essential to investigate Tojeong’s family background as well as his own life. Such a depiction of Agae, which is far from the historical facts, is a
result of Tojeong’s strong individual and collective historical consciousness. This is well confinned with the legend’s various versions held by Tojeong’slineal descendants. In this sense, the legend can be categorized as a 'family legend'. In many episodes of the legend. Agae is depicted as being highly treacherous while Tojeong is depicted as attempting to frustrate his plot. The way of legendary description here is very specific, which helps heighten the reality of the legend. It can be therefore said that the consciousness of the reality is well embodied in the legend. The distinct features of the legend are owing to Tojeong’s and his
family’s individuaI and collective experiences. A series of incidents such as Lee Saek(李穡)’ s literary scandal at the end of the Korea Dynasty, Lee Gae(李塏)’s treason at the time of King Sejo, Lee Pah(李城)’s
corpse-beheading , Tojeong's father-in-law's treason were enough to instill in Tojeong and his family a sense of fear of being punished for treason. Moreover 'Agae's outstanding talents and political capabilities were rather considered potential sources of treason. the political consciousness of Tojeong's family is well revealed in the episode in which Agae narrowly escapes the treason-plotting place. The historial fact is that Agae broke his promise to discuss a plot to enthrone a new king. In the legend, however, Agae is depicted to plot the treason himself. This is purely a result of legendary imagination to reflect Tojeong’s and his family's psychological state of anxiety and insecurity.
1. 머리
2. 자료 소개와 유형적 성격
3. 역사의식의 강조 표현과 가문전설적 성격
4. 토정의 가문사/개인사적 특수성과 전설 형성의 요인
5. 전설로 표현된 정치적 상황과 실제 역사
6. 맺음
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