『어우야담 』 소재 인물담 연구 (1)
이용수 343
- 영문명
- A Study on Character Discourses in Er Wu Ya Dam
- 발행기관
- 어문연구학회
- 저자명
- 이월영(Weol-young, Yee)
- 간행물 정보
- 『어문연구』語文硏究 第63輯, 171~195쪽, 전체 25쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2010.03.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
You-Mong-In's view of world, which could be derived from some discourses abωt their characters, was dealt with in this paper by analyzing a variety of descriptive ways to be used for character discourses and evaluating them in terms of their meaningful effect. based upon his book Er Wu Ya Dam. These character discoαses manifested complicated. polyhedral characters on diverse interrelationships assembled with anecdotes which were parts of the fulI story. Hence it is reqωred to analyze and interpret how those anecdotes were assembled in order to grasp his intention as a writer and each character’s significance. Some character discourses depend on only a single anecdote and a simple comment. A single anecdote was introduced to show the effect of
embodying strong impression decisively, when a decisively -strong character was created, which may be regarded as a decisively-intended effect for an single-side anecdote. Some anecdotes were enumerated in a rational order and others were developed as the incompatible with others In the case of rationally-assembled anecdotes, character discourses with extremity manifested their significances by means of repeating and strengthening the same-typed anecdotes. A descriptive way to assemble incompatible anecdotes could be used to form interior truth unlike superficial betrayal multi- aterality. polyhedral inclination, cognition different from the established, hαnan being’s middle-layered significance, which was related‘ as a distinguishing feature in character discourse of Er Woo Ya Darm, to You Mong In’s view of the world. He denied meditating Sung Confucianism with a dualistic theαyon it, and possessed a relative theory of cognition which could be inspired from Chuangtze.
And there were also character discourses to deal with two characters from one story. These discourses were composedof two: the discourse style assembled by the character having the equal relationship of juxtaposition
and that in which a discourse between close characters was added to the end of main character discourse. While a discourse about two characters with juxtaposition relationship revealed the extremity in feature by dealing
with two characters who have human feature in common, it maximized the significance of the character type by showing their rival situation and final moment of a flying man over a running man. This discourse for two characters added an anecdote about a character with close relationship to its end, after some description about anecdotes related to main characters, and the added anecdote was greatly helpful in interpreting a main or evaluating what a main character was like. By the reason, the significance of a main character was enhanced and highlighted, and sometimes resulted in caricatured effect.
1. 문제제기
2. 인물담 기술의 특성
3. 인물담 일화의 조립 양상과 그 의미
4. 이인담(二人談)의 조립 양상과 그 의미
5. 맺음말
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