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Outcomes of Therapeutic Modalities for Intractable Childhood Epilepsy

이용수 31

Hoon Chul Kang(강훈철) Ji Won Kwon(권지원) Yong Soon Hwang(황용순) Heung Dong Kim(김흥동) Sang Keun Park(박상근)
간행물 정보
『Annals of Child Neurology(구 대한소아신경학회지)』대한소아신경학회지 제13권 제2호, 152~164쪽, 전체 13쪽
의약학 > 의학일반

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국문 초록

목 적 : 난치성 소아 간질 치료를 위해, 최근 개발된 항간질 약물, 프레드니솔론, 케톤생성식이요법, 간질수술, 미주신경자극술의 임상적 결과를 평가하였다. 방 법 : 1995년 7월부터 2003년 4월까지 상계백병원 간질센터에서 치료한 난치성 간질 환아 297명의 임상 결과를 후향적으로 분석하였다. 결 과 : 최근 개발된 항간질 약물이 투여된 290명 환아에서 20명(6.9%)에서만 추적 관찰기간 중 간질 완해물 유지하였다. 프레드니솔돈을 투여한 138명 환아에서 58명(42.0%)에서 약물 투여 중 간질 완해를 보였으나, 41명 환아에서 약물 중단 후 재발되었다. 케톤생성 식이요법은 162명에서 시도되어 74명(45.7%)에서 12개월 이상 식이요법을 유지하였으며, 간질 완해를 보인 37명(22.8%)을 포함하여 68명(42.0%)에서 50% 이상의 간질 횟수의 감소를 보였다. 간질 수술은 38명에서 시행되었으면 25명(65.8%)에서 Engel 구분 Ⅰ을 보였다. 미주신경자극술은 5명 환아에서 시행되어 2명에서만 50% 이상의 간질 횟수 감소를 보였다. 결 론 : 케톤생성 식이요법과 간질수술은 난치성 소아 간질 치료에 상당히 효과적인 치료였으나 프레드니솔론은 잦은 재발을 보였고 새로 개발된 항간질 약물은 난치성 간질의 완해를 유지함에 있어 한계가 있었다.

영문 초록

Purpose : This study sought to evaluate the clinical outcomes of various therapeutic modalities, including newly-developed anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), prednisolone, ketogenic diet (KD) epilepsy surgery, and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), in treating intractable childhood epilepsy. Methods : Data of refractory epilepsy patients (n=297) treated from July 1995 through April 2003 at the epilepsy center of Sanggye Paik Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Results : Newly-developed AEDs were primarily prescribed to 290 patients, although only 20 patients (6.9%) maintained a seizure- free state. Of 138 patients for whom prednisolone was prescribed, 58 patients (42.0%) showed complete seizure controls while 41 patients experienced relapse. KD was attempted and evaluated at 12 months in 162 patients, at which time 74 (45.7%) remained on the diet and 68 (42.0%) showed seizure reduction of greater than 50%, including 37 (22.8%) who were completely seizure free. Epilepsy surgery was undergone in 38 patients, and Engel class I was identified in 25 (65.8%) patients. VNS was administered to five patients, only two of whom obtained a seizure reduction of more than 50%. Result : Taken together, these findings suggest that considerable controls over intractable childhood epilepsy can be gained through KD and epilepsy surgery, whereas prednisolone treatment leads to somewhat more frequent relapses, and newly-developed AEDs are comparatively limited in their controls of refractory epilepsy.



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Hoon Chul Kang(강훈철),Ji Won Kwon(권지원),Yong Soon Hwang(황용순),Heung Dong Kim(김흥동),Sang Keun Park(박상근). (2005).Outcomes of Therapeutic Modalities for Intractable Childhood Epilepsy. Annals of Child Neurology(구 대한소아신경학회지), 13 (2), 152-164


Hoon Chul Kang(강훈철),Ji Won Kwon(권지원),Yong Soon Hwang(황용순),Heung Dong Kim(김흥동),Sang Keun Park(박상근). "Outcomes of Therapeutic Modalities for Intractable Childhood Epilepsy." Annals of Child Neurology(구 대한소아신경학회지), 13.2(2005): 152-164

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