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만해 한용운의 『님의 침묵』과 ‘번뇌즉보리’

이용수 186

『A Lover"s Silence』 written by Manhae, Han Yong-woon and ‘Anguish, that is, awakening’
김광원(Kim Kwangwon)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第63輯, 279~303쪽, 전체 25쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

영문 초록

  Manhae’s 『A Lover"s Silence』 was made of the structure of a paradox, which originating in the world of Zen(禪). It is because that the world of Zen (禪) is instinctive and general world transcending time and space, so the world comprehends all paradoxes contradictory to ‘A=A’(the world of relativity) and ‘A≠A’(the world of negation) each other.
  On this point, 『A Lover"s Silence』 is in the world in where separation is separation and also separation is not separation, and it is checked out the world of ‘anguish, that is, awakening’ to identify real love in a pain of separation. The reason of ‘anguish, that is, awakening’ is that anguish in itself is really non-substantial and simply nothing but a process of karma.
  From this point of view, ‘anguish, that is, awakening’, Manhae’s 『A Lover"s Silence』 was considered, but examined divided its speaker into three speaker s:‘Manhae, Han Yong-woon’, ‘female speaker’ and ‘mail speaker’. As the result, through Manhae, Han Yong-woon and male as the speaker the creative background of this collection of poems becomes shown more dynamic, because through them the awareness of an age, their fatherland was robbed by Japanese imperialism, is expressed more clearly.
  All pains of separation expressed in the poems of 『A Lover"s Silence』, those are the pains on the assumption that is love. The representative is the first poem, ?A Lover"s Silence?. It is because that ‘a lover’ leave me and be in the state of silence, but at that time the speaker is rather to become perceived the reason of true love and not to suppress his feelings to sing a love song.


1. 들어가는 말
2. 선의 역설성
3. 『님의 침묵』과 ‘번뇌즉보리’
4. 맺는말


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김광원(Kim Kwangwon). (2007).만해 한용운의 『님의 침묵』과 ‘번뇌즉보리’. 한국언어문학, 63 , 279-303


김광원(Kim Kwangwon). "만해 한용운의 『님의 침묵』과 ‘번뇌즉보리’." 한국언어문학, 63.(2007): 279-303

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