〈홍계월전〉의 여성의식 고찰
이용수 1992
- 영문명
- A Study on the Women"s Consciousness in 〈Honggyewoljeon〉
- 발행기관
- 한국언어문학회
- 저자명
- 김미령(Kim Miryeong)
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第63輯, 179~196쪽, 전체 18쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2007.12.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
In late Joseon period, a reformative novel which breaks identity of women and dreams of resistance appeared as a feminine hero novel. However, in consideration of the condition of that time focusing on Nawoibeop, female heroes could not exist in real life. If so, there is a need to look at why unreal female hero novels were so popular and what female consciousness main readers had at that time was.
This study is to examine ‘feministic perspective’ centering on narrative characteristics with a use of < Honggyewoljeon > as a text, which showed the most progressive tendency to dominate men of female hero novels. ‘Feminine perspective’ can be understood in multiple meanings, but this study is to consider positions of women shown in narrative structure actively and identify implied feminine consciousness with natural quality of the novel, focusing on female characters.
The ‘character’ in the novel is an illusional agent who follow the author"s intention specifically and in the process of resolving conflicts in reality of the novel, the author"s intention is dissolved. In consideration of popularity of ancient novels, it can be inferred that the characters follow a significant part of readers" tastes and senses of value. Therefore, analysis on ‘character’ can be a clue to understand cultural codes at that time simultaneously. This study is identify part of feminine consciousness and cultural code implied in popular hero novels.
In conclusion, this study examines where change in feminine consciousness was originated. The consciousness of the public, practical science that focuses on reality and reason, and the idea of equality based on the doctrine of Catholic Church were general historical trends of that time. However, in consideration of literary characters such as Yuhwa and Sosenyo in <Jumong>, Seonhwa and Prince Pyeonggang in <Seodong> and <Ondal>, it was confirmed that challenging and powerful feminity was part of the traditional quality of Korean women. Therefore, this study finds out that through a feminine hero novel, national feminity contributed to breaking conflicting pressure such as a system and an institution and recovering free intention and identity.
It is certain that <Honggyewoljeon> was a method to speak for women"s ambitions - rising in the world, gaining fame, succession of families, and superiority of women- and attempted to challenge for social advance as a true man whether the author intended or not.
This study is to examine ‘feministic perspective’ centering on narrative characteristics with a use of < Honggyewoljeon > as a text, which showed the most progressive tendency to dominate men of female hero novels. ‘Feminine perspective’ can be understood in multiple meanings, but this study is to consider positions of women shown in narrative structure actively and identify implied feminine consciousness with natural quality of the novel, focusing on female characters.
The ‘character’ in the novel is an illusional agent who follow the author"s intention specifically and in the process of resolving conflicts in reality of the novel, the author"s intention is dissolved. In consideration of popularity of ancient novels, it can be inferred that the characters follow a significant part of readers" tastes and senses of value. Therefore, analysis on ‘character’ can be a clue to understand cultural codes at that time simultaneously. This study is identify part of feminine consciousness and cultural code implied in popular hero novels.
In conclusion, this study examines where change in feminine consciousness was originated. The consciousness of the public, practical science that focuses on reality and reason, and the idea of equality based on the doctrine of Catholic Church were general historical trends of that time. However, in consideration of literary characters such as Yuhwa and Sosenyo in <Jumong>, Seonhwa and Prince Pyeonggang in <Seodong> and <Ondal>, it was confirmed that challenging and powerful feminity was part of the traditional quality of Korean women. Therefore, this study finds out that through a feminine hero novel, national feminity contributed to breaking conflicting pressure such as a system and an institution and recovering free intention and identity.
It is certain that <Honggyewoljeon> was a method to speak for women"s ambitions - rising in the world, gaining fame, succession of families, and superiority of women- and attempted to challenge for social advance as a true man whether the author intended or not.
1. 서론
2. 본론
3. 결론
2. 본론
3. 결론
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