어휘부의 자기조직화
이용수 510
- 영문명
- Self-Organization of the Lexicon
- 발행기관
- 한국언어문학회
- 저자명
- 채현식(Chae Hyunsik)
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第63輯, 129~145쪽, 전체 17쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2007.12.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
This paper focus on the way of the organization of the lexicon. Lexicon is one of the complex systems. A complex system consists of a lot of members which interact. Similarly, Lexicon is organized with an enormous amount of connections of words, which interact connected words. Inter-activation of words makes a emergent structures, say, schema, which can not be found in individual word. Schema are representations of abstracted generality of connected words on the basis of morphologically shared properties. The process of connecting within words are called self-organization of words and the direction of schema-forming is bottom-up process.
Schema can also be connected with themselves. As a result of connections of specific schema, more general schema can be emergent. The emergent schema of various levels of generality have internal structures which make speakers be able to analyze internal structures of words. And schema are used in the formation of new words, which are the process of categorization of new instances by schema. Word formation rules, or word formation components are abandoned in the models of lexicon as a complex system because new words are formed by schema which are not independent with representations of words.
The research of relations of words in the lexicon is, then, the core domain of morphology. In other words, morphology is in the lexicon, and self-organization of the lexicon is morphology by itself.
Schema can also be connected with themselves. As a result of connections of specific schema, more general schema can be emergent. The emergent schema of various levels of generality have internal structures which make speakers be able to analyze internal structures of words. And schema are used in the formation of new words, which are the process of categorization of new instances by schema. Word formation rules, or word formation components are abandoned in the models of lexicon as a complex system because new words are formed by schema which are not independent with representations of words.
The research of relations of words in the lexicon is, then, the core domain of morphology. In other words, morphology is in the lexicon, and self-organization of the lexicon is morphology by itself.
1. 저장부와 단어형성부
2. 복잡계로서의 어휘부
3. 어휘부의 자기조직화
4. 어휘부의 자기조직화론으로서의 형태론
2. 복잡계로서의 어휘부
3. 어휘부의 자기조직화
4. 어휘부의 자기조직화론으로서의 형태론
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