忠南 錦山地域 女性口述者의 이야기 現況과 世界觀
이용수 18
- 영문명
- A Study on the characteristics of stories and the world-view of the female story-tellers of Chungnam Keumsan area
- 발행기관
- 한국언어문학회
- 저자명
- 김균태(Kim Kyuntae)
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第63輯, 147~178쪽, 전체 32쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2007.12.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
I studied on the characteristics of stories and the world-views of the female story-tellers of Keumsan area. Even though male story-tellers had many issues about females, I thought to be reasonable that the world-view of the female should be considered through the stories of female-tellers.
In this essay the characteristics of the stories were got a through going over the types of stories with the numbers narrated orally by females. The results were ordered as animal story, funny story, mysterious story, filial piety story, chastity story, trial story, virtue and destiny story.
The animal stories are like fables to tell the various characters of humans. The funny stories are easy to remember and to have hearer"s considerations with laugh. Especially sexual funny stories were more narrated by females than males in this area. The others in the mysterious stories, goblin stories were familiar with storie-tellers. In the filial piety and chastity story main themes were stories about ethics of family. The trial stories were mainly experienced stories to lead a hard married life. And in the virtue and destiny stories were reflected life style and hope of females.
The world-views of the female story-tellers were considered in priority cognition of reality and consciousness-oriented about the point of view of ethics, ghost, male and female. For this I discussed in centralizing with the hidden meanings than the story-teller"s personal history and narrating situation. In the ethics point of view, I examined about filial piety and chastity. And then they didn"t get over the traditional filial piety consciousness. But they criticized an untruth of chastity women to get rid of the traditional consciousness. In the ghost point of view, even though the ghosts had super-powers and to be things of horror, they thought to keep away them to be foolish aspect. In the point of male, they showed two faces. One is to understand as a unadaptable man their husbands through the stories of a foolish bridegroom and a little bridegroom. The others is to understand as a trouble-solving man through the stories of a salt-peddler and a Buddhist priest. In the female point of view, they understood as keeper of family and origin of fortune. And the others they also showed a negative cognition. So they criticized female"s brutal nature and selfish mind. With the end they understood the female as a being to wish going to the heaven.
In this essay the characteristics of the stories were got a through going over the types of stories with the numbers narrated orally by females. The results were ordered as animal story, funny story, mysterious story, filial piety story, chastity story, trial story, virtue and destiny story.
The animal stories are like fables to tell the various characters of humans. The funny stories are easy to remember and to have hearer"s considerations with laugh. Especially sexual funny stories were more narrated by females than males in this area. The others in the mysterious stories, goblin stories were familiar with storie-tellers. In the filial piety and chastity story main themes were stories about ethics of family. The trial stories were mainly experienced stories to lead a hard married life. And in the virtue and destiny stories were reflected life style and hope of females.
The world-views of the female story-tellers were considered in priority cognition of reality and consciousness-oriented about the point of view of ethics, ghost, male and female. For this I discussed in centralizing with the hidden meanings than the story-teller"s personal history and narrating situation. In the ethics point of view, I examined about filial piety and chastity. And then they didn"t get over the traditional filial piety consciousness. But they criticized an untruth of chastity women to get rid of the traditional consciousness. In the ghost point of view, even though the ghosts had super-powers and to be things of horror, they thought to keep away them to be foolish aspect. In the point of male, they showed two faces. One is to understand as a unadaptable man their husbands through the stories of a foolish bridegroom and a little bridegroom. The others is to understand as a trouble-solving man through the stories of a salt-peddler and a Buddhist priest. In the female point of view, they understood as keeper of family and origin of fortune. And the others they also showed a negative cognition. So they criticized female"s brutal nature and selfish mind. With the end they understood the female as a being to wish going to the heaven.
1. 서
2. 여성 구술자들의 이야기 현황
3. 여성 구술자 이야기에 나타난 세계관
4. 결어
2. 여성 구술자들의 이야기 현황
3. 여성 구술자 이야기에 나타난 세계관
4. 결어
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