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古典小說의 流通과 口演 事例 考察 - 영동군 학산면 민옥순을 중심으로

이용수 81

A Study on the Circulation and Oral Narration of Korean Romans
김진영(Kim Jinyoung)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第63輯, 197~226쪽, 전체 30쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

  This thesis is studied about circulation and oral narration of korean romans with min ok-sun of seosan-ri haksan-myeon yeongdong-gun as the central figure. after observation of min ok-sun"s line, it is studied about korean romans"s playing motive of min ok-sun. And with min ok-sun korean roman"s circulation condition and oral narration aspect, finally it is confirmed of meaning of min ok-sun"s romans oral narration. The main contents is summarized as follows.
  First, because min ok-sun was born the home of korean romans be loved, she was used to learn and narrate korean romans naturally. Min ok-sun"s father and mother were a reader of korean romans. Her parents were effected to romans contents and oral narration method to her. After marriage, she read the romans for her father-in-law. Because two families were liking the romans, she was immersed in romans and had a oral narration ability.
  Second, it is found out that korean romans circulation is activated in the middle of twentieth century. Inspect of min ok-sun"s situation, this period korean romans is borrowed and bought and read. And it is written down in longhand and admired for long time. This period, korean romans circulation is activated generally though it was a former letter. So as the generalization of mass media, korean romans is not loved for many people.
  Third, in the view of min ok-sun, the romans oral narration have various uses. First it is read the romans for 파한. And romans is used for learning korean letters. And for the taking off tired working, romans is narrated. Finally it is narrated for the children"s education.
  Fourth, min ok-sun"s oral narration has a important meaning. First it is known that romans is activated in the center of woman in the home. And it is possible recitation and oral narration. In addition to, as soon as korean romans is important materials in the person"s cultual life, it is worked common culture of family narrated family constituent member.


1. 序論
2. 민옥순의 家系와 小說口演의 動因
3. 민옥순을 통해 본 小說의 流通과 口演 事例
4. 민옥순을 통해 본 小說의 流通과 口演이 갖는 意味
5. 結論


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김진영(Kim Jinyoung). (2007).古典小說의 流通과 口演 事例 考察 - 영동군 학산면 민옥순을 중심으로. 한국언어문학, 63 , 197-226


김진영(Kim Jinyoung). "古典小說의 流通과 口演 事例 考察 - 영동군 학산면 민옥순을 중심으로." 한국언어문학, 63.(2007): 197-226

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