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〈이춘풍전〉에 나타난 부부 갈등의 해결 방식과 문학치료적 효용

이용수 477

The Effect of Literature Therapy and Couple discord on the 〈Yichoonpoongjeon〉
최혜진(Choi Hyejin)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第63輯, 257~278쪽, 전체 22쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

영문 초록

  〈Yichoonpoongjeon〉 is emphasized the virtue of forgiveness that the wife tames the troublemaker husband and it captures confrontation aspect of the wife with humorous gaze, and finally it solves serious couple discord through the laugh.
  The Humor method of this work overcomes with laugh for problem situations which it operates on character or structures.
  First, it refers tradition of the view of the world and therapy effects.
  Second, it tracks the discord solution aspect of this work that it describes with the view of Choonpoong and his wife and the confrontation aspect.
  It describes Choonpoong as the typical problem husband and his wife is the model of the time desired wife.
  It especially regulates and solves of the husband trouble through the view of the wife and it has an end of returns to the family through the healing and correcting of problem.
  From this point it watches for psychological sense of superiority and liberation feelings of women readers through the wife that solves her husband’s problem with her ability and wisdom which it goes back on the reason of human relation and through demand of time.
  In the next, it tries to enumerate a question item of this work in order to use these problems at the literature therapy of a supplement step, a intensification step and a combined step of self-narration.
  It aims at a healthy change through the work narration of the wife who gets pain from her husband. It is effective for patients in that it shows solving problems through humor and that they can change their self-narration with a composed attitude and psychological sense of stability.


1. 논의의 방향
2. 골계문학의 전통과 세계관, 치료적 효용
3. 〈이춘풍전〉에 나타난 부부 갈등과 골계적 해결 방식
4. 문학치료 활용 방안
5. 결론


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최혜진(Choi Hyejin). (2007).〈이춘풍전〉에 나타난 부부 갈등의 해결 방식과 문학치료적 효용. 한국언어문학, 63 , 257-278


최혜진(Choi Hyejin). "〈이춘풍전〉에 나타난 부부 갈등의 해결 방식과 문학치료적 효용." 한국언어문학, 63.(2007): 257-278

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