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이장(二障)에 대한 법상유식의 논의 고찰:『성유식론』과 『 대승법원의림장』의 내용을 중심으로

이용수 74

A Study on the discussions about the Two Hindrances of the Fǎxiaàng Yogācāra Buddhism: Focusing on the contents of Chéng wéishì lùn and Dasheng fayuan yilin zhang
간행물 정보
『명상심리상담(구 명상치료연구)』제31권, 27~37쪽, 전체 11쪽
사회과학 > 심리학

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본논문은법상유식의소의논서인성유식론과규기(窺基)의의림장에나타난이장(二障)에대한논의를고찰하는것이목적이다. 부 파불교를거쳐유식불교에서번뇌와깨달음의관계에대한논의가본격적으로이장으로집약되어정립되었다고볼수있다. 유가사지론에 나타난이장에대한논의는불지경론을거쳐성유식론에완성된형태로정리된다. 결과적으로성유식론에나타난이장(二障)은2집 (執), 2공(空), 2과(果)와연관이되어유식불교의번뇌론과수행론의핵심적인역할을하게된다. 본연구에서는성유식론에산재된이장에대한논의에초점을맞춰, 성유식론의전개과정을이장을중심으로고찰하였다. 이를통해 이장이유식불교의번뇌론뿐아니라수행론과성불과정에있어서도핵심적인역할을맡고있음을밝혔다. 실제로유식5위의수행계위에서 도자세한수행법을전개하기보다는번뇌장과소지장의조복과단절이언제어떻게일어나는지가중심이되고있음을고찰하였다. 마지막으로원효가이장의에서유식경론과대승기신론의이장에대한논의를회통하는매우독창적인해석을전개한한편, 규기는 자신의저술인의림장에서성유식론에논의된이장에대한해석이상을벗어나지못했음을고찰하였다. 원효의회통불교와는다르게 규기는의림장에서이장에대한논의를단지유식경론의이장을정리하고성유식론의논의를그대로수용하고있는데, 이는규기의종 파적한계일수밖에없다는점을확인하였다.

영문 초록

The purpose of this paper is to examine the discussion of the Two Hindrances in the Fǎxiàng Yogācāra Buddhist treatise Chéng wéishì lùn(成唯識論) and Kyu-ji's Dasheng fayuan yilin zhang(大乘法苑義林 章). It is through Abhidharma Buddhism and then the Yogācāra Buddhism that the concept of the relationship between affliction and awakening was formulated as the Two Hindrances. The discussion of the Two Hindrances in the Yogācārabhūmi is organized in its final form through the Fódìjīng lùn(佛地經論) and the Chéng wéishì lùn. As a result, the Two Hindrances of the Chéng wéishì lùn are associated with two kinds of attachment, two kinds of emptiness, and two kinds of achievement, and play a central role in the Affliction theory and the Practice theory of Yogācāra Buddhism. This study focuses on the discussion of the Two Hindrances interspersed within the Chéng wéishì lùn, reorienting the development of the Chéng wéishì lùn around the Two Hindrances. This reveals that the Two Hindrances play a central role not only in Yogācāra Buddhism's Affliction theory, but also in its Practice theory and Becoming Buddha. In fact, the Five stage division of the Yogâcâra path of practice also centers on when and how to eliminate and end the afflictive hindrances and obstacles to understanding rather than on specific practices. Finally, Wonhyo gave a very original interpretation in reconciling Yogācāra sūtras and śāstras with the discussion of the Two Hindrances in the Doctrine of the Two Hindrances(Ijang ui, 二障義) and the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith(大乘起信 論). But in Dasheng fayuan yilin zhang, Kyu-ji considered that the interpretation of the Two Hindrances discussed in Chéng wéishì lùn was no more than an interpretation of the Two Hindrances. Unlike Wonhyo, Kyu-ji's discussion of the Two Hindrances merely summarizes Yogācāra Buddhism's discussion of the Two Hindrances and adopts Chéng wéishì lùn's discussion as it stands, and Kyu-ji's position is confirmed by Dasheng fayuan yilin zhang's discussion of the Two Hindrances.


I. 서론
II. 이장의정의
III. 성유식론의이장논의고찰
IV. 의림장「단장장(斷障章)」의이장논의
V. 맺는말


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박재용. (2024).이장(二障)에 대한 법상유식의 논의 고찰:『성유식론』과 『 대승법원의림장』의 내용을 중심으로. 명상심리상담(구 명상치료연구), (), 27-37


박재용. "이장(二障)에 대한 법상유식의 논의 고찰:『성유식론』과 『 대승법원의림장』의 내용을 중심으로." 명상심리상담(구 명상치료연구), (2024): 27-37

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