4차 산업혁명의 시대, 정신혁명으로서의 명상: 켄 윌버의 통합이론과 선불교의 의식 변형을 중심으로
이용수 99
- 영문명
- Meditation as a mental revolution in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution: Focusing on Ken Wilber’s Integral theory and Transformation of Seon Buddhism’s consciousnes
- 발행기관
- 한국명상심리상담학회
- 저자명
- 오용석
- 간행물 정보
- 『명상심리상담(구 명상치료연구)』제31권, 15~25쪽, 전체 11쪽
- 주제분류
- 사회과학 > 심리학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.06.30
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국문 초록
본연구는켄윌버의통합지도를활용해4차산업혁명의시대에필요한정신혁명의가능성을선불교의의식변형론을통해논의한것이다. 개인의행위와사회구조의관계가상호의존적으로이루어진다는관점에서4차산업혁명의시대에서정신혁명의가능성을명상적관점에서 네가지로살펴보았다. 첫째, 클라우스슈밥이제시한4차산업혁명이기존의기술과물질중심의관점에서벗어나인류의공존을위한정신 문화적가치가필요함을강조하고있음을살펴보았다. 둘째, 4차산업혁명의연구가통합적으로이루어져야할필요가있다고보았고, 이러 한가능성을켄윌버의통합적인접근법인IOS(Integral Operating System)을통해살펴보았다. 셋째, ‘통합적인4차산업혁명의4분면’ 가운데좌-상4분면의‘나[자아초월(선불교)]’를다시‘통합적인자아초월(선불교)에서의4분면’으로범주화해서‘나(본성)’, ‘우리(자타불 이)’, ‘그것[몸(작용)]’, ‘그것들(초연결사회)’로도식화했다. 넷째, 논자는‘통합적인자아초월(선불교)에서의4분면’ 가운데‘나(본성)’를선불 교의의식변형론의관점에서논의했다.
영문 초록
This study used Ken Wilber's integral theory to discuss the possibility of mental revolution necessary in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution through Seon Buddhism's theory of transformation of consciousness. This study was discussed from a meditative perspective in four ways. First, I examined that the perspective of the 4th Industrial Revolution presented by Klaus Schwab emphasizes the need for spiritual and cultural values for human coexistence from the existing technology and material-centered perspective. Second, it was discussed that research on the 4th Industrial Revolution needed to be conducted in an integrated manner, and this possibility was examined through Ken Wilber's integrated approach, IOS (Integral Operating System). Third, among the 'four quadrants of the integrated 4th industrial revolution', 'I [self-transcendence(Seon Buddhism)]' in the left-top quadrant is again categorized into 'I(Buddha nature)', ‘We(no difference between oneself and others)’, ‘It [body (Interaction)]’, and ‘Them (hyper-connected society)’. Fourth, this study discussed from the perspective of Seon Buddhism’s theory of transformation of consciousness, focusing on ‘I (Buddha nature)’ among the ‘four quadrants in integrated self-transcendence (Seon Buddhism)’.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 4차산업혁명시대의개념과선행연구의흐름
Ⅲ. 4차산업혁명의특징과켄윌버의통합이론
Ⅳ. 4차산업혁명시대와선불교
Ⅴ. 결론
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