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유의어의 의미 변별 학습 자료 개발 연구

이용수 76

A Study on the Development of a Learning Materials to Discriminate Synonyms Semantically: Focus on ‘Baraboda, Jikyeoboda and Chyeodaboda’
손재은(Jaeeun Son) 박윤신(Younshin Park) 최재찬(Jaechan Choi) 이원구(Wongoo Lee)
간행물 정보
『한국어교육』35권 1호, 39~60쪽, 전체 22쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
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The purpose of this study is to develop a model that allows intermediate or advanced Korean learners to independently discriminate the meaning of synonyms to use them appropriately in to a situation. As the learners’ language level increases, the demand for semantic discrimination of synonyms increases. However, it is difficult to solve the problem with dictionary explanations alone because they are not easy to understand without a clear discourse situation and context. Therefore, this study attempts to find the semantic discrimination qualities of ‘Baraboda, Jikyeoboda and Chyeodaboda’ by analyzing example sentences in the dictionary and explain them with nuance. As a result, it was found that [Purpose], [Movement of gaze], and [Continuity] are qualities that differentiate the meaning of ‘Baraboda, Jikyeoboda and Chyeodaboda’. Based on it, it proposed the learning material model of synonyms, dividing the learning stage into three steps: ‘presentation of situation, presentation of meaning, and practice and use,’ so that the learners can distinguish the meaning of synonyms as they go through each step. First, in the ‘presentation of situation’ step, visual materials and example sentences were presented to help the learners recognize the meaning. In the ‘presentation of meaning’ step, to strengthen recognition, the meaning of the three vocabulary was explained in terms of nuance so that even intermediate level learners could understand. Lastly, in the ‘practice and use’ step, the learners were asked to check whether they could use the synonyms appropriately through various exercises and uses. The results of this study are meaningful in that it enabled the learners to understand and use not only the difference in meaning but also the difference in nuance between synonyms at the learner’s understandable language level.


1. 서론
2. 선행 연구 및 연구 절차
3. 유의어 의미 변별
4. 유의어 학습 자료의 실제
5. 결론


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손재은(Jaeeun Son),박윤신(Younshin Park),최재찬(Jaechan Choi),이원구(Wongoo Lee). (2024).유의어의 의미 변별 학습 자료 개발 연구. 한국어교육, 35 (1), 39-60


손재은(Jaeeun Son),박윤신(Younshin Park),최재찬(Jaechan Choi),이원구(Wongoo Lee). "유의어의 의미 변별 학습 자료 개발 연구." 한국어교육, 35.1(2024): 39-60

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