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핵의학 체외검사의 진료재료비용 절감 방안

이용수 2

The Reduction ways of Medicine Material Costs of Nuclear Medicine In Vitro
송훈강(Hun Kang Song) 서정미(Jung Mi Seo) 양준호(Joon Ho Yang) 김은정(Eun Jung Kim) 김창호(Chang Ho Kim)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.15 No.2, 111~115쪽, 전체 5쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: In vitro uses dose response curve with 6 to 7 standard concentrations in every examination to analyze examination results and this use of dose response curve comprises a large portion of the consumption of medicine material. At this present, some ones of in-hospital examination items have shown mostly low result of distribution in the analyzed features and these examinations have been judged that it would be unnecessary to use the last standard concentration. Hence, this study selects those examination items showing low result of distribution and reviews the cases contributed to less consumption of medicine material and revenue growth of hospital by reduction of medicine material used in the place of the last standard concentration. Materials and Methods: The study was made targeting 11 examination items out of total 43 items of the in-hospital examination and since these examination items were mostly low in the features as the examination results of patients or the examination results were distributed to show lower concentration than the previous last standard concentration, it carried out the examination without using the last standard concentration, which could generate the effect to reduce medicine material (examination tube) used in the last standard concentration as many as the number of examination carried out. For this, it examined the number of medicine material reduction by month during the period from July, 2009 to February, 2011 and estimated the reduction amount of medicine material calculated the number of reduction by the unit cost of medicine material as well as the profit generated by the reduced medicine material to use for the medicine material of patient examination. Results: The total number of medicine material reduced during the period from July, 2009 to February, 2011 was 3,131 pieces, which had the effect to reduce the medicine material equivalent to about 31 kits of reagent. To calculate this by the unit cost of the medicine material, it analyzed to reduce about 6.4 million won of medicine material cost. Also the reduced medicine materials were used for medicine materials of patient examination and this was analyzed to generate about 13.75 million won of profit based on the ABC cost accounting. Conclusion: It showed no problem in the analysis of examination result even without using the last standard concentration regarding those examination items with low distribution of the patient examination result. For these examination items, it was able to reduce medicine material used for the last standard as many as the number of examination carried out. Also, the adjustment of concentration range was found to have no problem in the reliability of examination result. Therefore, this case will be applicable in those occasions of when the analysis of patient examination result is mostly distributed at the lower level or when an examination with the distribution of patient results in the range of lower concentration than the previous last standard concentration is carried out and this is considered to increase the efficiency in the use of medicine material in vitro as well as contribute to the profit of hospitals.


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송훈강(Hun Kang Song),서정미(Jung Mi Seo),양준호(Joon Ho Yang),김은정(Eun Jung Kim),김창호(Chang Ho Kim). (2011).핵의학 체외검사의 진료재료비용 절감 방안. 핵의학기술, 15 (2), 111-115


송훈강(Hun Kang Song),서정미(Jung Mi Seo),양준호(Joon Ho Yang),김은정(Eun Jung Kim),김창호(Chang Ho Kim). "핵의학 체외검사의 진료재료비용 절감 방안." 핵의학기술, 15.2(2011): 111-115

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