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의료기관 방사선 종사자의 직무별 개인피폭선량에 관한 연구

이용수 2

Medical Radiation Exposure Dose of Workers in the Private Study of the Job Function
강천구(Chun Goo Kang) 오기백(Ki Baek Oh) 박훈희(Hoon-Hee Park)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.15 No.2, 3~12쪽, 전체 10쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: With increasing medical use of radiation and radioactive isotopes, there is a need to better manage the risk of radiation exposure. This study aims to grasp and analyze the individual radiation exposure situations of radiation-related workers in a medical facility by specific job, in order to instill awareness of radiation danger and to assist in safety and radiation exposure management for such workers. Materials and Methods: From January 1, 2010 December 31, 2010, medical practitioners working in the radiation is classified as a regular personal radiation dosimetry, and subsequently one year 540 people managed investigation department to target workers, dose sectional area, working period, identify the job function-related tasks for a deep dose, respectively, the annual average radiation dose were analyzed. Frequency analysis methods include ANOVA was performed. Results: Medical radiation workers in the department an annual radiation dose of Nuclear and 4.57 mSv a was highest, dose zone-specific distribution of nuclear medicine and in the 5.01~19.05 mSv in the high dose area distribution showed departmental radiation four of the annual radiation dose of Nuclear and 7.14 mSv showed the highest radiation dose. More work an average annual radiation dose according to the job function related to the synthesis of Cyclotron to 17.47 mSv work showed the highest radiation dose, Gamma camera Cinema Room 7.24 mSv, PET/CT Cinema Room service is 7.60 mSv, 2.04 mSv in order of intervention high, were analyzed. Working period, according to domain-specific average annual dose of radiation dose from 10 to 14 in oral and maxillofacial radiology practitioners as high as 1.01~3.00 mSv average dose showed the Department of Radiology, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, respectively, 1.01 workers~8.00 mSv in the range of the most high-dose region showed the distribution, nuclear medicine, and the 1-4 years, 5-9 years 3.01~19.05 mSv, respectively, workers of the highest dose showed the distribution of the area in the range of 10 to 14 years, Workers at 15-19 3.01~15.00 mSv, respectively in the range of the high-dose region were distributed. Conclusion: These results suggest that medical radiation workers working in Nuclear Medicine radiation safety management of the majority of the current were carried out in the effectiveness, depending on job characteristics has been found that many differences. However, this requires efforts to minimize radiation exposure, and systematic training for them and for reasonable radiation exposure management system is needed.


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강천구(Chun Goo Kang),오기백(Ki Baek Oh),박훈희(Hoon-Hee Park). (2011).의료기관 방사선 종사자의 직무별 개인피폭선량에 관한 연구. 핵의학기술, 15 (2), 3-12


강천구(Chun Goo Kang),오기백(Ki Baek Oh),박훈희(Hoon-Hee Park). "의료기관 방사선 종사자의 직무별 개인피폭선량에 관한 연구." 핵의학기술, 15.2(2011): 3-12

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