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학년차원의 긍정적행동지원이 지적장애 초등학생의 수업참여행동에 미치는 효과

이용수 81

The Effect of Grade-wide Positive Behavior Support on Class Participation Behavior of Elementary School Students with intellectual disabilities
정주연 황순영
간행물 정보
『특수교육학연구』제54권 제4호, 167~192쪽, 전체 26쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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본 연구는 학년차원의 긍정적행동지원이 지적장애 초등학생의 수업참여행동에 미치는 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 S초등학교에서 지적장애 초등학생 2명이 포함된 3학년을 대상으로 보편적 지원, 그 중 일부에게 소그룹 지원, 지적장애학생 2명에게 개별 지원을 제공하였다. 지적장애학생 2명을 대상으로 수업참여행동과 관련하여 직․간접적 기능평가, 학부모 및 학생 대상 설문과 면담 등에 근거하여 가설을 설정한 후 각 학생별 중다 요소 중재 계획을 수립하여 적용하였다. 문제행동 중재 결과는 행동 간 중다간헐기초선 설계를 사용하여 분석하였고, 그 결과 학년차원의 긍정적행동지원이 지적장애 초등학생 2명의 수업참여행동에 긍정적인 효과를 주는 것으로 나타났다.

영문 초록

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of grade-wide positive behavior support on the in-class participation behavior of elementary school students with intellectual disabilities. For this purpose, grade-wide positive behavior support was provided for third grade students, including two students with intellectual disabilities, in elementary school “S”. Grade-wide positive behavior support interventions were provided to all students, with universal support for all third-grade students, small group support for some, and individual support for two students with intellectual disabilities. A research hypothesis was established for the two intellectually disabled students based on their direct and indirect functional assessments as well as surveys and interviews of the parents and students. A plan for mediating medium and large elements of each student’s behavior was then established and applied. The class participation behavior of two students with intellectual disabilities was defined as class preparation behavior, task performing behavior, and attention-focused behavior. Measurements of class-participating behavior used a multiple probe designs across behaviors and proceeded to the baseline, intervention, and maintenance. The results of this study are as follows. The grade-wide positive behavior support clearly improved the class participation behavior of two elementary school students with intellectual disabilities (as measured by class preparation behavior, task performance behavior, and attention-focused behavior). When each behavior was considered in terms of averages, trend lines, non-overlapping ratios, and immediacy, a positive effect was shown for all class participation behaviors and the average of class participation behavior increased as well. Positive effects were also observed in the maintenance phase. Based on these results, it can be concluded that grade-wide positive behavior support is an effective intervention for improving the class participation behavior of elementary school students with intellectual disabilities.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론


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정주연,황순영. (2020).학년차원의 긍정적행동지원이 지적장애 초등학생의 수업참여행동에 미치는 효과. 특수교육학연구, 54 (4), 167-192


정주연,황순영. "학년차원의 긍정적행동지원이 지적장애 초등학생의 수업참여행동에 미치는 효과." 특수교육학연구, 54.4(2020): 167-192

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