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孔稚珪〈北山移文>의 修辭的特徵考察

이용수 5

姜允炯 袁晓鹏
간행물 정보
『중국인문과학 』제45집, 169~193쪽, 전체 25쪽
인문학 > 문학

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Puksanimun北山移文is the work by K'ung Chih-kwei (孔稚珪447~501) of the Qi dynasty during the South and North Dynasties period. Puksanimun, while utilizing correspondence (?遇), characteristic of Py?ngry?mun(騈?文) and harmony (和?) and authentic precedents (典故) through phraserhymes (押?), well succeeds in presenting it as a 'Ky?kmun (檄文),' the prime function of the writing. Originally 'Ky?kmun' is a kind of writing that denunciates an opponent while summoning up sympathizers' unity. Especially, the tone of the guardian spirit of the mountain who exposes the hypocrisy of the hermit Ch'uong is exaggerated and humorous. While a Py?ngry?mun, it shows a phrasing of Chosa (楚?) and embodies properties of Pu (?) too. It thus is not a slavish following of the rigid Py?ngry?mun form. This paper seeks to explore the rhetorical characteristics of Puks animun. Firstly, it reviews the historical circumstances of the North and South Dynasties period and the characteristics of Py?ngry?mun. Then, it delves into the rhetorical characteristics of Puksanimun. Those characteristics are 1) “4ㆍ6 phrasing,” one of the characteristics of Py?ngry?mun, is its rhetorical technique and effect, which not only gives the rhythmic sense but also expresses the emotional colors. Nextly, there are the “Hye-letter (兮) operation” that expresses the slowness and rapidity and “authentic precedents, exaggerations, anthropomorphism” that give the vitality to the writing; 2) The operation of “correspondence method” seen in correspondences and rhymes is one of the most important element of Py?ngry?mun and Puksanimun fully utilizes this characteristics with the “operation of rhymes” to bring it into a perfection; 3) Puksanimun's stylistic beauty is heightened when it is read out loud, as a typical Py?ngry?mun is. Thus, the paper also asserts that even a prose can be read out loud to show its stylistic beauty when it has a rhythmic element.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 魏晋南北朝의 騈麗文特徵
Ⅲ. <北山移文>의 수사적 특징 및 그 의의
Ⅳ. 결론


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姜允炯,袁晓鹏. (2010).孔稚珪〈北山移文>의 修辭的特徵考察. 중국인문과학 , (), 169-193


姜允炯,袁晓鹏. "孔稚珪〈北山移文>의 修辭的特徵考察." 중국인문과학 , (2010): 169-193

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