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『歐蘇手簡』의 蘇東坡手簡硏究

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간행물 정보
『중국인문과학 』제75집, 283~310쪽, 전체 28쪽
인문학 > 문학

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This paper is “A study on Sou Dongpo’s Epistles in『Guseosugan』centered on the periods of Huizhou and Danzhou”. This paper examined the Sou Dongpo’s life and characteristics of the disturbance faction through the period of Hyeju and Damju. During this period, the commotion encountered a great difficulty in his life's path, but wrote down his emotions and inspirations in the number of days, interacting with politicians and bureaucrats who feared and admired him, ordinary writers, and juniors. Through the ordeal, the commotion confided its heart to them, looked into the simple lives of the exiled natives, and could also see the strange scenery of the alien South. In the period of Hyeju and Damju, the commotional faction expressed anxiety and fear about its future in general amid hopeless screening, but if you savor the passage of the text, there is a strong will to live. How did the commotion overcome the hopeless situation without being pessimistic? In the midst of life, it says, “Parting and meeting always circulates, and anxiety and joy alternate with each other.” come from recognition as It was because there was a view of life of the agitation faction that allowed them to see the world with a broader perspective. This paper has three characteristics of the “life of hardship”, the spirit of “the philosophical view,” and the literary achievement“ as the characteristics of the number of disturbance factions during the reign of Hyeju and Damju. First, 'Life of hardship', which was caused by extreme political strife. During this period, people lament their situation and overcome it. Second, with the spirit of “the philosophical view,” where does it come from? The optimistic temperament of the Sou Dongpo faction is natural, but it may be the result of training and training in the hardships of exile. Third, the literary achievement, which also means literary maturity in the latter half of the tumultuous life. The achievement of literary was achieved by the Sou Dongpo faction, which had dominated the world with its plain and lively writing since its youth, emphasizing the importance of each word, phrase to young literati intellectuals.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 惠州ㆍ儋州時期의 蘇東坡
Ⅲ. 『歐蘇手簡』의 惠州ㆍ儋州時期手簡
Ⅳ. 맺음말
<표> 『歐蘇手簡』의 蘇東坡惠州ㆍ儋州時期의 手簡分類


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유미정. (2020).『歐蘇手簡』의 蘇東坡手簡硏究. 중국인문과학 , (), 283-310


유미정. "『歐蘇手簡』의 蘇東坡手簡硏究." 중국인문과학 , (2020): 283-310

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