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IPA를 활용한 커피전문점 선택속성에 대한 연구

이용수 8

Study on an Importance-Performance Analysis of Coffee Shop Selection Attributes
김태욱 김영현 서천영
간행물 정보
『관광경영연구』제21권 제6호, 73~93쪽, 전체 21쪽
사회과학 > 관광학

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With the expansion of the coffee market and rapid competition, consumers are becoming more and more picky about choosing coffee shops because of their wider choice, and the trend of competition among coffee shops is not stopped. As one of the fastest growing sectors in the domestic food service industry, there is a need for careful management strategies based on the perception of local customers among coffee shops. In addition, I tried to find implications in terms of the necessity of management and operation and marketing strategy through different strategies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of loyalty by importance and performance of choice attributes and analysis the impact of the visiting motivation as well. Empirical study with 566 samples of customer in Coffee shop shows that 1) for the purpose of visit, it is significantly importance (tangibles, pleasantness, reliability, and kindness except for credibility) and overall satisfaction 2) the importance factor was comparatively higher than satisfaction factor in most of variable by paired t-test 3) it showed that variables such as cleanliness of cup and toilet, an overall cleanliness, and staff's fast response for order were situated in the grid 1 known as “Keep up the Good Work” and variables situated grid 2 known as “Possible Overkill” are brand image, brand reputation, and staff's appearance. Variables situated in the grid 3 known as “Low Priority” are ease of access, ease of parking, and visually building's exterior. And, variables situated in the grid 4 known as “Concentrate Here” are freshness and quality of coffee, mode, and location. This study is meaningful in that it proposes to show the marketing strategies for a coffee shop and what to avoid and give intensive management direction by analyzing customer needs of variegation and the rapidly changing coffee market. And it will also show how the coffee industry can create better quality of service and create culture.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구설계
Ⅳ. 실증분석
Ⅴ. 결론


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김태욱,김영현,서천영. (2017).IPA를 활용한 커피전문점 선택속성에 대한 연구. 관광경영연구, 21 (6), 73-93


김태욱,김영현,서천영. "IPA를 활용한 커피전문점 선택속성에 대한 연구." 관광경영연구, 21.6(2017): 73-93

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