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구약성서의 구성과 그 신학적 의의

이용수 185

Why the Tripartite? A Compositional Understanding of the Hebrew Bible
한신대학교 신학사상연구소
김창주(Chang-Joo Kim)
간행물 정보
『신학사상』신학사상 190집(2020년 가을호), 15~40쪽, 전체 26쪽
인문학 > 기독교신학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

이 논문은 구약성서가 세 분야로 구성된 것은 신학적 의도에 근거한 것임을 밝히는 데 그 목표를 둔다. 한 건축물이 설계도와 건축, 그리고 최종 감리를 거쳐 완성되듯 구약은 설계도에 해당하는 율법서, 공정(process)인 성문서, 그리고 설계도와 일치하는지 확인하는 예언서로 짜여있다고 간주한다. 따라서 율법서는 핵심적인 정보의 집합체로서 INformation, 성문서는 현장에서 확인하고 부딪히는 TRANSformation, 성문서는 설계대로 건축되었는지 점검하는 CONformation으로 볼 수 있다. 이 과정에서 율법서, 성문서, 예언서는 각각 ‘정보와 지식’, ‘변환과 적용’, 마지막으로 ‘일치와 확신’이 유기적으로 관련되고 있다.

영문 초록

The purpose of this article is to ask why the Hebrew Bible consists of three parts, pentateuch, prophets and writings. In this discussion each part of the Hebrew Bible is distinguished Torah as Information, writings as Transformation, and prophets as conformation respectively. The first section, known as ‘Torah,’ teaches who we should believe and what we should do. In this respect, Torah can be called as Information of theology and faith. When practicing theology right information is absolutely needed. That is why one must know who Yhwh is and what God wants from us. Then, Information is transformed into various writings which are consisted of the second section of Old Testament. The authors of the writings rewrote or reused the Information in light of their own situation. Hence, ‘Transformation’ shows how they applied Torah to their present problems. One of the best Transformations from writings may be Psalm 119. The poet makes the maximum use of Torah, that is ‘Information.’ The same goes for the Chronicles, the five megilloth, and even the Book of Daniel. The third part is the collections of prophecy which results from conviction between Information and Transformation. Namely, it is named Conformation. The prophet’s ‘confirmation’ was possible because of consistence between Information of God and Transformation into reality. That is why ‘religion’ in Hebrew is ‘emunah’ which refers to ‘firm confidence,’ and ‘truth.’ In conclusion, each stage of the tripartite is not only independable but also concurrent in the whole book as a single canon.


Ⅰ. 여는 말
Ⅱ. 율법서와 INformation
Ⅲ. 성문서와 TRANSformation
Ⅳ. 예언서와 CONformation
Ⅴ. 닫는 말


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김창주(Chang-Joo Kim). (2020).구약성서의 구성과 그 신학적 의의. 신학사상, 190 , 15-40


김창주(Chang-Joo Kim). "구약성서의 구성과 그 신학적 의의." 신학사상, 190.(2020): 15-40

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