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학습자 중심 영어 읽기 능력 향상 방안

이용수 79

On Improving EFL Learner\ s Readability Based on the Learner-Centered Curriculum
간행물 정보
『학습자중심교과교육연구』제5권, 269~288쪽, 전체 20쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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1:1 문의
논문 표지

국문 초록

영어가 세계어로 되면서 국제 회의. 상업. 여행. 정보 교환 등의 주된 수단이 되었고 모국어 사용자보다는 제2언어 혹은 외국어로서의 영어 사용자가 급증하고 있다. 통계에 의하면 전세계의 라디오 방송의 60%. 전세계 우편물의 70%. 전세계 전화 통화의 85%. 전세계의 약 7억 개의 컴퓨터에 들어 있는 정보의 80%가 영어로 되어 있고. 70여 개의 언어로 발간되는 세계 과학 기술 관련 출판물 중 45%가 영어로 발간되고. 러시아어. 독일어. 불어로 35%. 그 밖의 66개 언어로 약 20%정도가 발간된다고 한다. 또한. 1982년을 기점으로 세계 정보의 85%가 영어로 되어 있다고 추정한다(Kaplan et al 1982). 따라서. 과거의 기형적 읽기 위주의 교육(Brown. 2000)으로 인해 영어 읽기 능력을 폄하할 것이 아니라 오히려 읽기에 대한 인지적 이론(Carrell & Eisterhold. 1983)에 기초하여 읽기 지도를 발전적으로 강화시킬 필요가 있다.

영문 초록

The purpose of this study is to discuss a variety of possibilities on integrating extensive reading into the learner-centered curriculum. and to present the criterion of choosing language-teaching materials and effective teaching method. The national common basic curriculum is designed to be organized and implemented as differentiated curriculum. That is. level differentiation shall be offered for English. Four levels of English courses are offered from grades 7 through 10. Each level is divided into two sub-levels which are respectively operated on a semester basis. Futhermore. in-depth and supplementary differentiated curriculum shall be offered from grades 3 through 6 for English(Ministry of Education. 1997). According to Richard(2002). the ideal way to integrate extensive reading into the EFL curriculum is through a separate. stand-alone extensive reading course in which students read and report on their reading to the teacher and other students. Realistically. however. in Korea the course is impossible. Alternatively. extensive reading can be included in the curriculum as part of an existing course. There has been frequent discussion about what kind of reading texts are suitable for English language students. The greatest controversy has centered on whether the texts should be ‘authentic’ or not. That is because people have worried about more traditional language-teaching materials which tended to look artificial and to use over-simplified language which any native speaker would find comical and untypical. In addition. the materials has to be kept a balance between real English on the one hand and the students capabilities and interests on the other. Stories are a useful tool in linking the imagination with the student\ s real world. They provide a way of enabling students to make sense of their everyday life and forge links between home and school. Stories are also fun and can develop positive attitudes about the foreign language and language learning. Thus. it is considered that storybooks appropriate to the learner-centered curriculum are selected from a wide range of story-books based on the national curriculum and the developmental stages.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 제7차 교육과정에서의 읽기
Ⅲ. 통합교육과정에서의 읽기
Ⅳ. 결론


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김진석. (2003).학습자 중심 영어 읽기 능력 향상 방안. 학습자중심교과교육연구, 5 , 269-288


김진석. "학습자 중심 영어 읽기 능력 향상 방안." 학습자중심교과교육연구, 5.(2003): 269-288

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