항고소송에서 행정기관의 당사자능력과 원고적격
이용수 262
- 영문명
- The Admissibility of a Party and the Standing of an Executive Agency in the Appeal Lawsuit
- 발행기관
- 경희법학연구소
- 저자명
- 박정훈(Park, Jeong-Hun)
- 간행물 정보
- 『경희법학』제49권 제3호, 405~446쪽, 전체 42쪽
- 주제분류
- 법학 > 민법
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2014.09.30
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국문 초록
전통적으로 행정법학의 주된 연구대상은 작용법과 그에 대응한 구제법에 관한 것이었다.
그러나 최근 국민의 행정조직에 대한 참여가 확대되고, 행정조직에 의한 국민생활관계의 관여ㆍ개입이 늘면서 작용법과 조직법의 관계가 상대화됨으로써 쟁송법적인 측면에서 행정기관이 항고소송을 제기한 사례가 드물지 않다.
그러한 가운데 행정소송의 구조적 해석에서도 종래 “사법권=법률상의 쟁송=주관소송”이란 삼위일체의 등식에 따라 주관소송을 개인의 권리이익구제에, 객관소송은 적법성의 유지에 목적이 있다는 관념(이원적소송목적관)에서 벗으나, 근래에는 행정소송을 재구성하려는시도로 항고소송에 적법성유지기능의 강조, 법률상의 쟁송 개념의 재정립, ‘권리소송’인 민
사소송과 달리 ‘행위소송’인 항고소송의 특징에 따라 민사소송모델로부터 탈각하려는 방향의 시도와 같은 흐름이 강하다. 이 같은 행정소송의 연구동향은 다름 아닌 조직법관계에 대응한 행정소송법적 접근이며, 주관소송과 객관소송의 상대화로 이해할 수 있을 것이다.
이 논문에서는 이상과 같은 행정환경의 변화, 그리고 그에 따른 행정소송의 재정립을 위한학계의 연구에 주목하면서 행정주체(법인)가 아닌 행정기관이 항고소송을 제기할 수 있는지여부, 만얀 그것이 가능하다면 어떠한 근거로 법리적 정당성이 부여될지를 연구과제로 한다.
즉, 이 논문은 통설의 입장에 따른 ‘법률상의 쟁송’에 기초할 경우 행정기관에 대한 당사자능력ㆍ원고적격의 인정기준을 살펴보고, 문제가 발생하는 상황ㆍ유형에 입각하여 관련판례들을 ⒜ 단순한 행정권의 주체, ⒝ 국립대학ㆍ지방의회와 같이 자율적 규범을 가진 기관,⒞ 재결에 불복하는 행정기관인 경우로 나누어 분석하고, 이에 따른 각 특징을 통해 행정기
관의 항고소송에서 원고적격의 인정여지를 검토하고, 학설에서 전개되는 내용을 파악한다.
결론적으로, 항고소송에서 행정기관이 ‘고유한 자격’의 지위에 지나지 않는 단순한 행정권의 주체인 경우에는 원고적격을 인정할 여지가 없으나, 자율적 규범을 가진 기관이나 재결에 불복하는 행정기관의 경우에는 일반국민과 마찬가지로 재판적 보호가 요구되는 ‘고유한 이익’이 존재한다면 원고적격을 인정할 수 있다고 본다.
영문 초록
The main subject of research in the administrative jurisprudence used to be a legal system for an administrative activity and its remedy. However, the executive agencies has tried to bring an appeal lawsuit in the aspect of laws of proceeding since the relationship between legal system for an executive activity and organization act has
relativized as a participation of civilians in an administrative organization has been extended; and an executive agencies’ involvement toward civilians’ life relationships also has been increased.
According to the equation of the trinity among judicial power, legal action and a subjective lawsuit, in the past, people had the aspect of the dual purpose in the lawsuit that the purpose of a subjective lawsuit is a remedy on personal interest to a right and one of an objective lawsuit is maintenance of legitimacy. However, People have tried
to escape the conventional concept the above. In a recent year, a flow like the trend that the emphasis of a function of the maintenance of legitimacy in the appeal lawsuit, the reestablishment of the concept of legal action and an attempt of direction to escape from the model of civil procedure according to the characteristic of appeal lawsuit,
legal proceeding for activity, but not a one for a right in the civil proceeding, as a try to reconstitute an administrative lawsuit in the structural interpretation of an administrative action among others the above is strong. The research trend in an administrative lawsuit the above is no more than the approach of laws of an administrative lawsuit to the relationship of the organization laws and people can understand it as a relative of a subjective lawsuit and an objective lawsuit.
This thesis would deal with whether an executive agency without the status of legal person can bring a lawsuit and, if it is possible, what reason can give it a judicial justification, focusing on the change of an administrative environment the above and the research of an academic world to reestablish an administrative lawsuit as a result
of it. In other words, this thesis would look into what standard to admit the admissibility of an executive agency and astanding in a lawsuit would apply based on legal action according to the position of a popular opinion. It also analyzes related case laws based on the situation and a type for a problem to happen like the
followings: (a) a simple subject of a right to the administration; (b) an organization,
like a national university and local assembly, which has an autonomous norms; and (c) an executive agency which appeals from the decision. Finally it would review whether there is any room that the court would admit the standing of an executive agency in the appeal lawsuit through its characteristics and it also would identify the unfolding
contents of several theories.
To conclude, when an executive agency is a simple subject of the right to administration as just a genuine status in the appeal lawsuit, there is no room to recognize the standing of an administrative organization. However, when an
organization has the autonomous norms or an executive agency appeals from the decision, the court could recognize its standing in the lawsuit only if it has a genuine interest where a protection in the lawsuit is required just like a normal citizen.
l. 머리말
ll. 항고소송의 당사자능력과 원고적격
lll. 행정기관의 당사자능력과 원고적격
lV. 결론적으로
법률상의 쟁송
법률상 이익
legal action
subjective lawsuit
appeal lawsuit
agency lawsuit
the admissibility of a party in a lawsuit
the standing in a lawsuit
legal interest
capacity of enjoyment of rights, the administrative subject
an executive agency
labor committee
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