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타이완척식주식회사자료를통해본 일본군위안소설치와운영

이용수 132

A Study of the Installation and Operation of Japanese Military Comfort Brothels through the Data of a Taiwanese Colonization Company
고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원
최종길(Choi Jong gil)
간행물 정보
『일본연구』第27輯, 205~234쪽, 전체 30쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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국문 초록

하이난도에진출한일본군은타이완총독부를통해위안소설치와‘위안부’ 모집을의뢰하였다. 그러자타이완총독부는타이완척식주식회사에이를다시의뢰한다. 즉일본군의의뢰를받은타이완총독부는타이완척식주식회사에게90명의‘위안부’를하이난도에공급하라는의뢰를하였다. 이러한의뢰를받은타이완척식주식회사는자회사인후 다이공사(福大公司)에게이업무를진행하게한다. 한편타이완척식주식회사에서위안소건설을위탁받은하이난건물공사는타무라구미(田村組)에게 위안소 건설 업무를 맡긴다. 그리고 하이난건물공사는 공사 완료 후에 해군에서건설대금을받기로하였다. 이리하여하이난건물공사는1939년5월에서6월 사이에위안소시설을완공한다. 그러나군에서대금을지불하지않았기때문에타이완척식주식회사는건물을자신들의소유로하여위안소운영자와임대계약을맺으려고하였다. 나아가군의이동으로인하여위안소운영이곤란해질경우위안소건물이세워진 군용지를불하받아서건축자금을변재받으려고하였다. 후다이공사는 1939년 4월18일 지룽(基隆)에서 출발하는 배를통해 해군 ‘위안부’를 수송하였다. 수송자명부에는당시나이로17세의여성도포함되어있었다. 그리고후다이공사는직접위안소를운영할민간업자에게운영자금을대부하면서자신들이이러한 일에 관여하고있는듯한오해를불러일으키지않도록주의를기울이고있다.

영문 초록

The Japanese military who entered Hainan Island commissioned the establishment of a brothel and recruitment of comfort women through the governor- general of Taiwan. Likewise, Taiwan’s Governor-General made the same demand of a colonization company in Taiwan. The Taiwanese Governor-General received the request of the Japanese forces commissioned to the colonization company in Taiwan to supply 90 so-called comfort women on Hainan Island. The commission received by the colonization company in Taiwan was passed on to its subsidiary, Fudai Ltd. (福大公司). Hainan Building Construction Corporation commissioned a brothel to the colonization company in Taiwan which left the brothel construction to Tamura (田村組). Hainan Building Construction Corporation was to receive payments from the navy after the construction was complete. Thus, Hainan Building Construction Corporation completed the brothel facility between May and June, 1939. However, due to the fact that the military did not pay, the colonization company in Taiwan decided to make a lease agreement with the brothel operator with ownership of the building. And when the army moved and the brothel became difficult to operate, They were willing to accept construction funds by paying the military land where built the brothel building. Fudai Ltd. began transporting naval comfort women from Keelung (基隆) on April 18, 1939. The manifest included girls as young as 17. Fudai Ltd. loaned operating funds to a private contractor operating a brothel. And we are careful not to know what they are involved in.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 타이완척식주식회사의일본군‘위안부’ 관련자료
Ⅲ. 위안소의설치운영과타이완척식주식회사의관계
Ⅳ. 결론


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최종길(Choi Jong gil). (2017).타이완척식주식회사자료를통해본 일본군위안소설치와운영. 일본연구, 27 , 205-234


최종길(Choi Jong gil). "타이완척식주식회사자료를통해본 일본군위안소설치와운영." 일본연구, 27.(2017): 205-234

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