석정 중기시의 시간과 현실 의식
이용수 16
- 영문명
- Seokjeong"s mid poems time and the consciousness of actuality
- 발행기관
- 어문연구학회
- 저자명
- 강희안(Hee-Ahn Kang)
- 간행물 정보
- 『어문연구』語文硏究 第57輯, 249~272쪽, 전체 24쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2008.08.01
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국문 초록
영문 초록
The initial Seokjeong"s world of poetry started from the past-oriented lyric poems incisive historical consciousness of mid of his times and shows the winding awareness of time in the late mythological world orientation. In here time is not a mere symbol or subject, but collected as a drive of actuality awareness aroused by meeting of the poet and the object in the poems. Furthermore, It is not only the principle of generating poem"s inner meaning, but also the frame of total and detail perception involved in subjects. In this paper awareness of time is a measure showing how Seokjeong integrate the ideal with reality and ontological orientation, and it also functions as a drive consisting of Seokjeong"s internal meaning system and the system of imagination.
When Seokjeong"s middle of the poems glacier(1956), take social historical reality significantly differently from those his initial poems, time is not a simple mechanism, but the implicit theory Seokjeong is oriented and the structure of consciousness to integrate the ideals and realities and the guide to the system of the imagination as well. This paper shows that the specification of the Seokjeong"s mid poems" characteristics consist of the horizontal awareness of time. This is revealed as the two-oriented structure, reverse (←) or forward (→).
First, as a form of reverse(←) Seokjeong"s mid poems borrow the past revealing the attitudes of accepting the stream of time. Memories are the ruminating of yesterday osmosed in the present, one of the recalls scattered in the debris of the past to regain one of the creative recalls. They are also liberated from self-integration confined in the past. Second, in the form of a forward(→), the form of future-oriented present, which is the current time of the act and expressed as the attitude of consciousness in Seokjeong"s poems. The confusion and disorder of the times trying to solve the conflict between ego and historical identities are routinely converted into the future by the time switch. This can be done on the premise that they try to get immersed in the time of universe chaos, is self-consecutive time, in here, the continuity of time becomes the parameter of equality which can be proved to be a positive force of the future and awaken the history as well.
And later verified, two structures of time in Seokjeong"s mid poems as emotion adhered closely to history are the results of his frustration and pain that he had suffered trying to improve things into a new world. But it is the factor of consciousness of history that revealed based on life basis of ego of subjective awareness of self-consciousness. Thus, Seokjeong"s mid poems are the transitional product of poet"s spirit escaping from his initial lyricism, based on the self-consciousness that negative historical reality of repression can not succumb to pressure based on strong historical awareness.
When Seokjeong"s middle of the poems glacier(1956), take social historical reality significantly differently from those his initial poems, time is not a simple mechanism, but the implicit theory Seokjeong is oriented and the structure of consciousness to integrate the ideals and realities and the guide to the system of the imagination as well. This paper shows that the specification of the Seokjeong"s mid poems" characteristics consist of the horizontal awareness of time. This is revealed as the two-oriented structure, reverse (←) or forward (→).
First, as a form of reverse(←) Seokjeong"s mid poems borrow the past revealing the attitudes of accepting the stream of time. Memories are the ruminating of yesterday osmosed in the present, one of the recalls scattered in the debris of the past to regain one of the creative recalls. They are also liberated from self-integration confined in the past. Second, in the form of a forward(→), the form of future-oriented present, which is the current time of the act and expressed as the attitude of consciousness in Seokjeong"s poems. The confusion and disorder of the times trying to solve the conflict between ego and historical identities are routinely converted into the future by the time switch. This can be done on the premise that they try to get immersed in the time of universe chaos, is self-consecutive time, in here, the continuity of time becomes the parameter of equality which can be proved to be a positive force of the future and awaken the history as well.
And later verified, two structures of time in Seokjeong"s mid poems as emotion adhered closely to history are the results of his frustration and pain that he had suffered trying to improve things into a new world. But it is the factor of consciousness of history that revealed based on life basis of ego of subjective awareness of self-consciousness. Thus, Seokjeong"s mid poems are the transitional product of poet"s spirit escaping from his initial lyricism, based on the self-consciousness that negative historical reality of repression can not succumb to pressure based on strong historical awareness.
1. 머리말
2. 과거 지향태로서의 타자 확인
3. 현실 수렴과 긍정적 미래
4. 수평적 시간과 양극화 의의
5. 맺음말
2. 과거 지향태로서의 타자 확인
3. 현실 수렴과 긍정적 미래
4. 수평적 시간과 양극화 의의
5. 맺음말
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