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신계영의 〈전원사시가〉에 나타난 시간 인식과 전원의 의미

이용수 360

The meaning of the fields and the time cognition appeared in the song of the rural life and the four seasons(田園四時歌) created by Gye-Young Shin
남정희(Jeong-hee Nam)
간행물 정보
『어문연구』語文硏究 第57輯, 135~161쪽, 전체 27쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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  In this thesis, I explicated the meaning of the nature expressed in sijo created by Gye-Young Shin who had lived in the 17th century as an well-known intellectual and bureaucrat in Sadaebu class. The consciousness of poet to the nature is well brought out in considering the time and space in works. This inquiry therefore focused on the analysis of structual property of space and time depicted in his sijo works, Junwonsasiga(田園四時歌)-the song of the rural life and the four seasons.
  The time consciousness pursued in sasiga, the four seasons song, worked by Sadaebu(士大夫) emphasizes the time which is in perpetuity. But that time exposed in Junwonsasiga created by Gye-Young Shin was to be subjective and segmental. The part of winter song was extended to four verses, while the part of other seasons each had two verses. It meant that the poet expressed his will to enlarge the time of winter in his view of the subjective time. Moreover, it proved that he had a different perception to the time and the space, unlike Sadaebu poets of the 16th century.
  It didn"t show up a priori idea of nature in the poetic space of Junwonsasiga, and also it was not depicted the poetic speaker as a real farmer. The poet in Junwonsasiga didn"t seek the axiom of nature but enjoyed a special beauty of scenery around his hometown and a pavilion which named Walsunheon(月先軒). In this aesthetic space, he had not enjoyed scenic beauty too far but mixed in neighbor community in everyday life. It was an open and exalting space that an actual poet who has a strong personality had lived in. In his works, Gye-Young Shin had not try to make an ideal model of Confucian eremite. And he as an old man in his eighitieth depicted an anxiety of life and a vain attempt to get the youthfulness once again. That poetic speaker as compared with the sijo poets of the 16th century could express his feelings and impressions on poetic object more freely in works.
  When Gye-Young Shin chose Junwonsasiga for his self forms of expression that shows he had already played an part in the context of creation of Sadaebu sijo. Althought he had composed poems according to be established creative rules of sijo in his works, the new messages of human life and sensual beauty of the nature had appeared and he sought a new poetic logic to compose a poem. In this process, he could acquired the his own view of nature deviated from established Confucian thought which accentuates a moral standard in poems and songs.


1. 문제 제기
2. 귀향과 시조 창작의 문맥
3. 시공의 구조적 특성과 시적 인식
4. 신계영 시조의 시조사적 의미


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남정희(Jeong-hee Nam). (2008).신계영의 〈전원사시가〉에 나타난 시간 인식과 전원의 의미. 어문연구, 57 , 135-161


남정희(Jeong-hee Nam). "신계영의 〈전원사시가〉에 나타난 시간 인식과 전원의 의미." 어문연구, 57.(2008): 135-161

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