〈취승루〉의 문학적 성격 연구 - 구성과 인물형상의 변모를 중심으로
이용수 59
- 영문명
- A study on literary character of Chuiseoungroo(취승루) - On transfiguration of structure and character configuration -
- 발행기관
- 어문연구학회
- 저자명
- 차충환(Choung-Hwan Cha)
- 간행물 정보
- 『어문연구』語文硏究 第57輯, 221~248쪽, 전체 28쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2008.08.01
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국문 초록
영문 초록
Chuiseoungroo is Hangul ancient novel made of 30 volumes 30 books. This don"t investigated the meanwhile properly. Because of it was known to reversal or translation novel the meanwhile. But it"s not reversal or translation novel but Hangul ancient novel. Because of contents, composition, literary style are made by tradition.
Chuiseoungroo not set the plural number heros, generation composition on person, structural repetition etc. And Chuiseoungroo not threw into relief paterfamilias ideology. Besides Chuiseoungroo was not appear the wife´s father and son-in-law conflict story, man and woman sex conflict story, all tiny matter in women room etc. Chuiseoungroo different to normal families novel.
Chuiseoungroo applied hero novel structure. But hardship and military training subject matters of hero was excluded. Despite they is essential subject matters of hero novel structure. In return, Writer got count on literary art fondness and retired gentleman consciousness. But writer got count on military ability than literary art fondness and retired gentleman consciousness at the latter half narration. Reason of it, First, the period background of work required hero, Second, writer come to the conclusion that it important military ability than literary art ability in order to upgrade life state.
A heroine of Chuiseoungroo did positive and reasonal words and actions. She counteracted positively on compulsion marriage and the Royal Court persecution. Besides, she give rude objector a scolding. And she disobeyed king order in order to families"s security. Nevertheless, king, queen, princess accepted heroine action. Like this, Heroine, king, queen, princess character of Chuiseoungroo are created newly. Through this, writer come to the conclusion that it should approve positive and reasonal words and actions is based on propriety. And this is meaning of novel history on Chuiseoungroo.
Chuiseoungroo not set the plural number heros, generation composition on person, structural repetition etc. And Chuiseoungroo not threw into relief paterfamilias ideology. Besides Chuiseoungroo was not appear the wife´s father and son-in-law conflict story, man and woman sex conflict story, all tiny matter in women room etc. Chuiseoungroo different to normal families novel.
Chuiseoungroo applied hero novel structure. But hardship and military training subject matters of hero was excluded. Despite they is essential subject matters of hero novel structure. In return, Writer got count on literary art fondness and retired gentleman consciousness. But writer got count on military ability than literary art fondness and retired gentleman consciousness at the latter half narration. Reason of it, First, the period background of work required hero, Second, writer come to the conclusion that it important military ability than literary art ability in order to upgrade life state.
A heroine of Chuiseoungroo did positive and reasonal words and actions. She counteracted positively on compulsion marriage and the Royal Court persecution. Besides, she give rude objector a scolding. And she disobeyed king order in order to families"s security. Nevertheless, king, queen, princess accepted heroine action. Like this, Heroine, king, queen, princess character of Chuiseoungroo are created newly. Through this, writer come to the conclusion that it should approve positive and reasonal words and actions is based on propriety. And this is meaning of novel history on Chuiseoungroo.
1. 머리말
2. 영웅소설 구조의 활용과 文武意識
3. 인물형상의 변화와 그 의미
4. 맺음말-소설사적 의미를 겸하여
2. 영웅소설 구조의 활용과 文武意識
3. 인물형상의 변화와 그 의미
4. 맺음말-소설사적 의미를 겸하여
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