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해방 전 중국 유이민 소설에서 본 소금의 의미

이용수 54

Meaning of Common salt in the Fiction of Chinese Immigrants before Liberation
南春愛(Chun-ai Nam)
간행물 정보
『어문연구』語文硏究 第54輯, 187~203쪽, 전체 17쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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  Malraux, Andre had ever said, human lacking of wisdom for solving problems, they have only brave and power for going ahead. So long as creating the power, problems left would be solved by itself. This speaking was seen as logion in human life for thousands of years. However, it does not agree with the characters in the fiction depicting Chinese immigrants before liberation. Characters in those fictions tried their best to face life, but waiting for them is only the endless desperation and death. For them, hope is the shadow of a shade, including the privately ruined trade of salt.
  In the tenebrous colonial age, Korean emigration had endured a terrible living. Common salt, symbolization of life for emigration, was the only choose to make a living in those days. Freud said, the way to be satisfied in appetency is the only way of die. However, it was wide about by human being. At the point of view from Freud’s doctrine, human are always greed because they think that their lack can be filled in by the appetency. But appetency, itself like a limitless trap can’t be filled in forever. Though the view appeared in the Chinese emigration fiction, it is rather different with Korean one. For Korean emigration, the appetency was just to make a living, but to be enterprising. It is the rice, basic thing of survival that appeared in the Korean emigration fiction. For living, Korean transmigrants have to obtain the common salt with cost high as their life, and trade off slinkingly. If they were catched, the whole family will get into extremity. Dramatis personae in the works of Jiang Jingai and An Jishou did think of bootlegging common salt when they were out at the elbows. Imaginably, common salt trade can only get them into hobble. But their have no choice because all their income obtained from the trade.
  In fact, many transmigrants know that bootlegging salt will give them tragedy, even to end off their life. But it was Korean transmigrants’ life all the while. They bootlegged salt, gave away their children, got insane, and finally died. No matter how, trading salt gave them life, gave them will for survival.


1. 머리말
2. 유이민 삶과 소금
3. 유이민 소설에서 본 소금의 의미
4. 맺음말


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南春愛(Chun-ai Nam). (2007).해방 전 중국 유이민 소설에서 본 소금의 의미. 어문연구, 54 , 187-203


南春愛(Chun-ai Nam). "해방 전 중국 유이민 소설에서 본 소금의 의미." 어문연구, 54.(2007): 187-203

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