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恕菴 申靖夏의 詩評에 대하여

이용수 79

Regarding on Criticism of Poems by Seoam Shin Jeong-ha
이향배(Hyang-bae Lee)
간행물 정보
『어문연구』語文硏究 第53輯, 209~236쪽, 전체 28쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
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  Shin Jeong-ha, who worked in the late Joseon dynasty, produced brilliant achievement while studying under Nongam Kim Chang-hyub. Among them, 〈Nonsimun〉 reflected his critical sense of discrimination. Though its material did not left much, it is worthy of notice for his strong critical eye. This study focused on criticism of poems among them. Shin Jeong-ha put much value on refining its meaning, dignity and rhetoric to write a true poem. He criticized verses of poets in Korea and China with a discerning critical eye by using various methods such as critical comparison, comments and reviews. Especially for reviews, he tried a new style of criticism by directly pointing out mistakes of former writers. He set a high value on Dubo on the point of usefulness, and commented intellectual level of the writers through the meaning. If there is any mistake on the meaning, he critically pointed out. It was his strong critical sense of discrimination that was able to criticise its meaning of the poems written by great writers in China. In addition, he criticized the rhetorical device used by many masters in various aspects. He denied the comments by Gu Yang-soo who criticized poems of Mae Seong-you in three aspects including words, phrases and completed poems. He paid no regard to other writers except Dubo. He pointed out those evil practices that just copied and followed old verses, and highlighted the substantial rhetoric based on the tru conditions. Especially he criticized simple quotation and citation because he focused on the rhetorical flourish. Shin Jeong-ha did not stop his criticism on poems but also tried to understand the writers by criticizing their personality, sources and minds based on traditional poetic viewpoint.


一. 序論
二. 恕菴 詩評의 理論的 背景
三. 詩評의 實相
四. 結論


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이향배(Hyang-bae Lee). (2007).恕菴 申靖夏의 詩評에 대하여. 어문연구, 52 , 209-236


이향배(Hyang-bae Lee). "恕菴 申靖夏의 詩評에 대하여." 어문연구, 52.(2007): 209-236

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