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A Tentative Study of Western Music Activities in Colonial Korea : Focusing on the Mutual Relationship between Korean Musicians and the Wives of Professors of Keijō Imperial University

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植民地朝鮮における西洋音楽活動に関する試論 : 京城帝国大学教授夫人らと朝鮮人音楽家たちの相互関係を中心に
고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원
김지선(Jie-sun Kim)
간행물 정보
『일본연구』第43輯, 179~212쪽, 전체 34쪽
인문학 > 문학

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During This paper examines one aspect of the role of the musical activities of the professors' wives of Keijō Imperial University in the formation process of Western music in colonial Korea, and how the interrelationship between Japanese and Korean musicians in the Japanese colonial basement was conducted. The number of Japanese immigrants to Korea increased rapidly after Korea became a Japanese colony. This led to an increase in the number of various entertainment facilities and events that the Japanese could enjoy for cultural or recreational purposes. Among the Japanese musicians were a certain number of bureaucrats from the Office of the Governor-General of Korea and professors from Keijō Imperial University, as well as Japanese wives who had emigrated to Korea as a result of their husbands' postings and activities in Korea. In particular, Ueno Hisako and Takei Haruko, the wives of Keijō Imperial University professors, were active in musical activities in Korea as violinists and pianists, including performances, educational activities, and association activities. Since Korea was a Japanese colony at that time, there may have been conflicts and confrontations between Japanese musicians in Korea and Korean musicians, such as colonizer(Japanese) and colonized(Koreans), superiority and inferiority, superiority and inferiority, and master-slave relationship. There existed not only a class hierarchical order but also an ethnic hierarchy in the cultural enjoyment situation in Korea. However, if we focus only on the antagonistic or master-slave relationship between Korean and Japanese musicians in terms of musical cultural production, the various musical activities conducted independently by the colonized may be underestimated. This is because colonial Korea was not divided by a single ethnicity or language, but by the movement of people, goods, information, and capital, and by the contact between various people and various musical cultures, which led to interrelationships. This paper reveals that Japanese musicians including Ueno Hisako and Takei Haruko, Korean musicians, and university amateur orchestras were leading and diversifying the Western music world in Korea by establishing interrelationships with various music professionals from different standpoints.

영문 초록



Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Reception of Western Music in Colonial Korea
Ⅲ. Musical Activities of Japanese Women Musicians in Colonial Korea
Ⅳ. Conclusion


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김지선(Jie-sun Kim). (2025).A Tentative Study of Western Music Activities in Colonial Korea : Focusing on the Mutual Relationship between Korean Musicians and the Wives of Professors of Keijō Imperial University. 일본연구, (), 179-212


김지선(Jie-sun Kim). "A Tentative Study of Western Music Activities in Colonial Korea : Focusing on the Mutual Relationship between Korean Musicians and the Wives of Professors of Keijō Imperial University." 일본연구, (2025): 179-212

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