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Развитие письменной речи корейских студентов (уровни А2-В1)

이용수 10

Development of Written Speech of Korean Students (Levels A2-B1)
Ten Ya. Ch.
간행물 정보
『슬라브어 연구』제29권 제2호, 231~255쪽, 전체 25쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Formation of linguistic, speech and communicative competences in the field of written speech of Korean students (levels A2-B1) is an important and labor-intensive process of foreign language teaching. The article describes the specifics of teaching written speech among other types of speech activities, examines the main approaches to teaching productive written speech, as well as types of exercises designed to teach written speech, defines the role of the teacher in the process of teaching Russian written speech to foreign students. The proposed educational lexical module “My Family” is a set of exercises and tasks aimed at the effective and consistent development of written speech skills in the Korean audience. The first type of exercises is language exercises, aimed at forming the language skills necessary for written speech, as well as their actualization. These are exercises to consolidate lexical material based on grammatical models aimed at studying various cases. The second type of exercises is speech exercises, serves to form speech skills, i.e. skills in working with written text (extracting the necessary information, transformation in accordance with a given setting, etc.). This group also includes communicative exercises that enable students to become familiar with some genres of written texts used in everyday communication (questionnaire, invitation, greeting card, etc.) that are accessible for a given level of language proficiency. In the educational lexical module “My Family” we applied a linguacultural approach, which involves systematic teaching of a “foreign” language and “foreign” culture through familiar Korean national images and concepts, which contributes to a gradual entry into the Russian foreign-language space and introduces to the culture of the studied language. The presented thematic module is aimed at developing the skills of writing texts of different types of speech and genres, independently producing the content of a written statement and formatting this content in accordance with the norms of the Russian literary language, the laws of text construction and the structural and functional features of written speech. In preparing the lexical module, we relied on the principles of awareness, clarity, accessibility and feasibility of the educational material, as well as the strength of consolidation of the acquired knowledge, developed skills and abilities. The methodological module can be used in teaching Russian as a foreign language in a foreign-language environment in order to update and effectively teach written speech to Korean students of the specified levels.

영문 초록


1. Введение
2. Специфика обучения письму как виду речевой деятельности
3. Работа над лексическим модулем «Моя семья»
4. Лексический модуль «Моя семья»
5. Заключение


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Ten Ya. Ch.. (2024).Развитие письменной речи корейских студентов (уровни А2-В1). 슬라브어 연구, 29 (2), 231-255


Ten Ya. Ch.. "Развитие письменной речи корейских студентов (уровни А2-В1)." 슬라브어 연구, 29.2(2024): 231-255

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