러시아 여성영화의 서사와 언어: 《밤중의 어떤 작은 비밀(Один маленький ночнойсекрет)》(2023) 연구
이용수 3
- 영문명
- Narrative and Language in Russian Women's Cinema: A Study of One Little Nighttime Secret
- 발행기관
- 한국슬라브어학회
- 저자명
- 홍상우(Sangwoo Hong)
- 간행물 정보
- 『슬라브어 연구』제29권 제2호, 131~148쪽, 전체 18쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 기타인문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.10.31
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국문 초록
A notable phenomenon in Russian cinema in recent years is the emergence of talented female directors and female producers. Many of their productions are being selected for competition at prestigious international film festivals and are actually receiving favorable reviews from domestic and international critics. 2021 is particularly significant in the history of Russian cinema, as a number of works by mid-career and young Russian directors have been selected or won awards in competition at major international festivals, including Cannes and Venice. If we look more specifically at the overall rise of Russian cinema, we can see that female directors have been particularly prominent. In particular, a new generation of female directors have been releasing films about life in modern Russia, especially women's lives, and have been gaining critical acclaim. Screenwriter and director Natalia Meshaninova is one of the leading directors of contemporary Russian auteur art cinema. She has also written screenplays for films by Oksana Vikhikova, Boris Khlebnikov, and Alexei Fedorchenko. One Little Nighttime Secret is her third feature film. Her first, The Hope Factory, was never released due to the frequent use of profanity by its characters. Her second film, The Heart of the World, won the 2018 Kinotabr Film Festival. One Little Nighttime Secret is also an autobiographical story of Meshanova's director. The movie tells the main character, Mira, about a secret she can't tell anyone.
영문 초록
1. 서론
2. 본론
3. 결론
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