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학문 목적 한국어 듣기·말하기 과제 중심 요구 분석

이용수 28

A Task-Based Needs Analysis of Listening and Speaking in Korean for Academic Purposes: Focusing on Chinese International Students in the Field of Science and Technology
윤신애 장윤미 김영규
간행물 정보
『한국어교육』21권 3호, 159~188쪽, 전체 30쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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This study reports a needs analysis of listening and speaking tasks of Chinese learners of Korean for academic purposes (thereafter abbreviated as KAP) in the field of science and technology. A questionnaire was administered to Chinese KAP learners (n = 90) to elicit their perception of the necessity, difficulty and importance of KAP listening and speaking tasks. These learners's needs, once identified, were discussed and compared with the perspectives of content faculty (n = 3) and Korean language faculty (n = 1). An open-ended section of the questionnaire included such questions as what content and Korean language faculty deem necessary for their learners and whether selection and materials development of pedagogic tasks for academic listening and speaking are needed. The results indicate: (1) There was a great need for a task of “instructors asking questions to students,” which revealed a significant difference depending on the length of Korean language learning and prior experience of learning KAP speaking; (2) The most difficult task was “visiting an instructor's office to ask questions or have an advising session” which revealed a significant difference depending on the length of Korean language learning, prior experience of learning KAP listening and speaking, and courses taken; (3) A task of “pronouncing accurately” was rated to be the most important, which revealed a significant difference depending on the prior experience of learning KAP listening and speaking; (4) The Korean language teacher showed a great need for pedagogic tasks and asked for provision of a variety of lecture listening and instruction of discourse markers; and (5) Both content faculty and KAP learners showed an identical result as regards the degree of their perception of task necessity, and they felt most of the target tasks to be difficult. This study is expected to contribute, as baseline data, to designing and developing task-based listening and speaking curricula and materials for Chinese KAP learners in the future and ultimately to facilitating improving their academic achievement in Korean-medium college. (Yonsei University·Ewha Womans University·Ewha Womans University)


1. 서론
2. 선행 연구 검토 및 연구 문제
3. 연구 방법
4. 연구 결과
5. 결론 및 제언


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윤신애,장윤미,김영규. (2010).학문 목적 한국어 듣기·말하기 과제 중심 요구 분석. 한국어교육, 21 (3), 159-188


윤신애,장윤미,김영규. "학문 목적 한국어 듣기·말하기 과제 중심 요구 분석." 한국어교육, 21.3(2010): 159-188

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