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교육감 선거 관련 「공직선거법」 준용 관계 분석

이용수 2

How to apply the provisions of public official election act with necessary modifications in the case of superintendent election?
조석훈(Seog Hun Jo)
간행물 정보
『1. 교육법학연구』제20권 제1호, 185~204쪽, 전체 20쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

2006년 12월 20일 개정·공포된 「지방교육자치에 관한 법률」은 교육감 주민 직선제를 도입하고 교육위원회를 시·도의회의 상임위원회로 통합하는 내용을 담았다. 참여정부의 정책방향인 일반 지방자치와 교육자치의 연계 및 통합을 지향한 이런 변화는 법체계에서도 나타나 지방교육자치에 관해서 「지방자치법」과 「공직선거법」을 포괄적으로 준용하도록 하였다. 이 연구는 교육감 선거시 준용기준이 되는 불확정 개념으로서 `성질에 반하지 않는` 것의 해석 방식과 이에 따른 준용 관계를 다루었다. 「공직선거법」의 준용 유형을 공통 적용, 단순 수정 적용, 복합 수정 적용으로 구분하여 검토하였고, 준용기준으로는 준용영역(선거), 준용내용(성질), 준용대상(시·도지사)으로 나누어 분석하였다.

영문 초록

In December 20, the Local Educational Autonomy Act was rewritten substantially, which resulted in the change of subjects of voting rights from all members of school governing body to residents. It featured that the Local Educational Autonomy Act provided that public officials election act was overall to be applied with necessary modifications in the case of superintendent election to the extent that the provisions are not contradictory with the nature of superintendent election. Such the way of application was helpful to describe the act with simplicity, however, voters are confronted with vagueness of how to apply. This article have figured three types of application such as simple application, application with simple modifications, and application with complex modifications. And the normative standard of application was worked out, which included the areas of application domain, application contents, and application reference. The conclusions are brought out from the analysis. First, the Local Educational Autonomy Act have to provide materially articles that is to apply to the election of superintendent of education affairs. Second, the numbering symbols for candidates in the ballot is to be set up differently from the candidates of other elections. Third, political parties should be forbidden from participating in the election campaign for the protection of the neutrality in the election of superintendent.



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조석훈(Seog Hun Jo). (2008).교육감 선거 관련 「공직선거법」 준용 관계 분석. 1. 교육법학연구, 20 (1), 185-204


조석훈(Seog Hun Jo). "교육감 선거 관련 「공직선거법」 준용 관계 분석." 1. 교육법학연구, 20.1(2008): 185-204

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