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『신찬자경 』의 이체자 유형 분류 ― 간략화와 증번화를 중심으로

이용수 24

Type Classification of Variant characters in Shinsenjukyo : Centered on Simplification and Multiplication
金玲敬(Kim, Lyoung-Kyoung)
간행물 정보
『중국학(구중국어문론집)』中國學 第67輯, 1~24쪽, 전체 24쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

『신찬자경 』은 『일체경음 』의·『옥편 』·『절운 』·『정명요록 』·『간록자서 』등 중국에서 전래된 한문 문헌을 저본으로 하여 편찬된 일본의 辭書인데, 다양한 이체자와 속자 자료가 풍부하게 수록되어 있어서 자양학적으로 가치가 높다. 『신찬자경 』의 이체자는 일반적인 이체자와 비슷한 형성원인을 보이므로, 그 방법론을 적용해 연구할 수 있다. 한자의 이체자는 크게 글자 구성 원리의 변화, 簡略化, 增繁化, 交替, 異化, 同化, 類化, 記號化, 訛混, 同音借用, 構件轉位,合文 등의 요인에 의해 다양한 형태로 형성되는데, 필자는 상호 유기적으로 영향을 주고받는 이체자 유형들끼리 모아서 『신찬자경 』이체자와 일반 이체자의 공통성과 차별성을 탐구하려한다. 그 첫 번째 단계로 본 논문에서는 간략화와 증번화 유형 이체자를 정리하고 분석하였으며, 『신찬자경 』이체자의 보편성과 고유성도 함께 고찰하였다.

영문 초록

Shinsenjukyo is an early Japanese dictionary written by Shochu on the basis of Chinese wordbooks such as Yiqiejingyinyi, Yupian, Qieyun, Zhengmingyaolu Ganluzishu during the shotai period of heianperiod in Japan. And there’re a large number of variants and folk characters, which are of considerable value in the study of typography. Simplification is a way to form variant characters by simplifying the font of Chinese characters, while multiplication is the opposite way to form variant characters by multiplying the font of Chinese characters. They are the fundamental causes of formation of variant characters, including the range of strokes and components, and even the side of a Chainese character which promote the formation of variant characters, such as signifiers and phonetic symbols. Most of the variants of Shinsenjukyo have the same causes as those of common variants, so it can be determined that the variants of Shinsenjukyo have the universality that all variants have. However, there is no lack of inherent variant characters. Some unique variant characters further mutate on the basis of ordinary variant characters, forming unique font not easily found in Chinese character books and inscription. Only omitting or adding simple strokes may be the result of a momentary mistake, while omitting or adding components and sides of a Chinese character must be a deliberate change of a font. That is , the font is intentionally multiplied or simplified to improve the convenience of writing. Especiallly, that some phonetic symbols of variants are boldly simplified is beyond the range of variance of common variants, which shows the distinguishing featrue of variants in Japanese character books. Thus, the variants in Shinsenjukyo make it possible for scholars who study Chinese character fonts to break through the restrictions of China and to collect the Chinese characters used in other Chinese character cultural circles, becoming one of the important resources in expanding the pool of Chinese character fonts.


1. 서론
2. 新撰字鏡이체자 유형
1) 簡略化
2) 增繁化
3. 결론


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金玲敬(Kim, Lyoung-Kyoung). (2019).『신찬자경 』의 이체자 유형 분류 ― 간략화와 증번화를 중심으로. 중국학(구중국어문론집), 67 , 1-24


金玲敬(Kim, Lyoung-Kyoung). "『신찬자경 』의 이체자 유형 분류 ― 간략화와 증번화를 중심으로." 중국학(구중국어문론집), 67.(2019): 1-24

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