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요서지역 고고 자료와 한국 고대사 관련 연구에 대한 재검토

이용수 798

An Appropriate Approach to Problems with Researches Related to the Ancient History of Korea and the Archaeological Materials from the Liaoxi Region
송호정(Song Hojung)
간행물 정보
『한국상고사학보』제96호, 155~182쪽, 전체 28쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

현재까지의 발굴•조사 자료에 따르면 遼寧 지역의 청동기문화는 遼河 유역을 경계로 그 남북 지역과 동서 지역이 구분되는 특성을 보이고 있다. 관련 자료를 살펴보면 夏家店下層文化에서 魏營子文化 단계를 거쳐 夏家店上層文化로 발전한 遼西 지역의 청동기문화는 大凌河 유역과 대릉하 북쪽의 老哈河와 英金河 강을 따라서 유적이 밀집 분포해 있다. 최근 이들 遼西 지역 고고 자료 가운데 내몽고 영성현 일대를 중심으로 하는 하가점상층문화와 대 릉하 유역을 중심으로 하는 십이대영자문화를 두 개의 독립적인 문화 유형으로 보고, 山戎과 濊貊 또 는 古朝鮮으로 비정하는 문제를 두고 많은 논의가 이루어지고 있다. 이 논의에서 유념할 것은 시원적 小國에 불과한 山戎의 동쪽에 존재했다는 古朝鮮이 遼西 전역에 걸쳐 지배체제를 구축하고 있었는지 에 대한 보다 근본적인 고민이 필요하다는 점이다. 한국 고대사와 관련해 문헌 및 고고 자료를 종합해 보면 하가점상층문화가 분포하는 遼西 지역의 경우 山戎과 東胡의 문화로 보는 데는 이견이 없다. 그리고 『史記』 匈奴列傳의 5郡 설치 기사와 당시 에 설치한 燕•秦 長城이 遼河 일대까지 이르렀다는 점에서 멸망 이전까지 고조선의 중심을 遼西 지역에 비정하기는 어렵다고 하겠다.

영문 초록

According to the archaeological materials cultivated/discovered, the bronze age cul¬ture in the Liaoning region is particular in that it is divided into south/north regions and east/west regions through setting the Liao River basin as the boundary. As a result of examining the related data, it was found that the Bronze Age Culture in the Liaoxi re¬gion made a transition from the Lower Xiajiadian Culture to the Weiyingzi Culture and from the Weiyingzi Culture to the Upper Xiajiadian Culture, and that its remains were densely distributed along the Dalinghe River basin as well as along the Laohahe River and the Ying-gin River to the north of Dalinghe. Among such archaeological materials from the Liaoxi region, the Upper Xiajiadian Culture centered around the regions of Ningcheng Xian, Neimenggu and the Shiertaiy¬ingzi Culture centered around the Dalinghe River basin are seen as two independent types of culture, and the problem of determining whether such cultures come from Shanrong and Yemaek or Gojoseon has been actively discussed. Although the bronzeware buried under the grave remains in vicinity of the Dalinghe River basin are similar to that of the Liodong region, the buried earthenware can be clearly divided through setting the Liao region as the boundary. In this regard, the bronzeware buried under the grave remains in vicinity of the Dalinghe River basin is more similar to that of the Upper Xiajiadian Culture in the Liaoxi region. In addition, the bronzeware buried in the graves of the upper class from the Shiertaiyingzi Culture is incomparable in scale to that from the Upper Xiajiadian Culture. There is high probabil¬ity that this may be related to how the social complexation and social power concentra¬tion during the Shiertaiyingzi Culture were not as progressed as those during the Upper Xiajiadian Culture. According to the literature data related to the Ancient History of Korea, the Upper Xi¬ ajiadian Culture densely distributed along the Liaoxi region is clearly considered a cul¬ture that comes from Shanrong. In this regard, the point to pay attention to is that, ac¬cording to the literature records, Shanrong appears as a primitive small nation where hundreds of barbarians formed an alliance. Considering that the Gojoseon was on the east of Shanrong, the Gojoseon society was nothing but a small nation or ethnic nation. If so, it is necessary to provide a sufficient explanation on how the Gojoseon was able to establish the Shiertaiyingzi Culture which served as the ruling system that entirely embraced the Dalinghe region during the Bronze Age. In addition, as a result of comprehensively examining the data and literature records related to the latter part of the Bronze Age Culture, in that the Five Counties were in¬stalled and the Yen/Qin-Era Great Wall reached the Liao region according to 『Shiji: Xiongnu Liezhuan』, it is difficult to determine the Liaoning region as the center of the Gojoseon until the fall of the Gojoseon.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 夏家店下層文化와 遼西 地域 靑銅器 文化의 시작
Ⅲ. 商周時期 靑銅器 저장갱(窖藏)과 魏營子文化
Ⅳ. 夏家店上層文化와 山戎 및 東胡
Ⅴ. 遼寜式 靑銅短劍을 특징으로 하는 문화와 古朝鮮
Ⅵ. 戰國時代~漢代 長城 설치와 중국문화의 유입
Ⅶ. 맺음말


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송호정(Song Hojung). (2017).요서지역 고고 자료와 한국 고대사 관련 연구에 대한 재검토. 한국상고사학보, (96), 155-182


송호정(Song Hojung). "요서지역 고고 자료와 한국 고대사 관련 연구에 대한 재검토." 한국상고사학보, .96(2017): 155-182

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