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한국 대학에서 영문학교육의 해체와 그 해체의 (불)가능성

이용수 351

The Deconstruction of English Studies in Korean Universities and its (im)Possibility for the Future to Come
김영훈(Younghoon Kim)
간행물 정보
『영미문학교육』영미문학교육 제18집 1호, 83~106쪽, 전체 23쪽
어문학 > 영어와문학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

The commercialization of higher education no longer surprises anyone. Contemporary capitalistic cultures and forces have transformed almost every aspect of Korean universities. This change radically dismantles the traditional authority and character of the humanities, once claimed as the sanctum of knowledge and the spirit of the modern university. While examining the capitalistic transformation of Korean universities, this article reviews what English studies in Korea faces as challenges. Over the course of the last twenty years many English departments in Korean universities drastically rebuilt their course curricula in order to strengthen practical English education. This curriculum reform was a convenient and arguably the most effective way of justifying the social functions and purposes of English studies in Korea. The consecutive deterioration of literary education in English studies, however, also raised concerns and disputes regarding the academic integrity and identity of English studies, while echoing with various discourses on the decline of the humanities in general. Then, what is the origin of the decline of the humanities or of the English department in Korea? And what can be a performative and rightful response to this crisis or change in English studies? What is the (im)possiblity of literary studies or literature in a society where the humanities simply fail to matter? This article attempts to answer these questions. After examining the contemporary challenges of English studies in Korea in a historical context, this essay introduces Jacques Derrida’s idea of the university to come. In doing so, it reformulates today’s challenges as a condition for constituting the university without condition, in which literary education re-defines and re-invents its meaning and existence.


Ⅰ. 들어가면서
Ⅱ. 문학 연구에서 문화 연구로
Ⅲ. 문학 연구에서 리터러시 연구로
Ⅳ. 실용영어와 영어영문학과
Ⅴ. 한국대학에서의 영문학연구와 교육의 사회적 정당성
Ⅵ. 문학교육의 (불)가능성과 데리다의 조건 없는 대학
Ⅶ. 나가면서


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김영훈(Younghoon Kim). (2014).한국 대학에서 영문학교육의 해체와 그 해체의 (불)가능성. 영미문학교육, 18 (1), 83-106


김영훈(Younghoon Kim). "한국 대학에서 영문학교육의 해체와 그 해체의 (불)가능성." 영미문학교육, 18.1(2014): 83-106

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