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스크립트(script) 기반 언어ㆍ문화 통합 수업 방안

이용수 810

A Script-Based Instructional Model of Integrating Language and Culture Education
김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim)
간행물 정보
『영미문학교육』영미문학교육 제18집 1호, 55~81쪽, 전체 26쪽
어문학 > 영어와문학

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This study provides an instructional model based on daily script, rather than drama canon, as one of the ways of revitalizing drama education. So as to build up the theoretical background of the model, the study reviews the concept and theory of script as compared to those of schema and drives the use of script-based English learning by examining the relevance of script to language acquisition. And the study creates both the Korean and the English script of “going to a restaurant” for an example and extracts script actions and sub-actions revealing intercultural differences by comparing and analyzing both scripts. Then, the study makes dialogues for each scene by dramatizing the restaurant script according to the script actions that show the cultural differences, thereby providing an instructional model for the integration of language and culture education based on script acquisition. The study suggests the need for extending drama text to the concept of script, or dramatic text, including all kinds of text having a dramatic form, to overcome the problems of the current drama education. According to the definition of script, script includes not only drama or movie script but also listening and speaking script in school textbooks and English conversation materials. More importantly, it involves everyday script, such as going to the movies and going to see a doctor, which is very useful for improving English competence from the perspective of language acquisition. Daily script is considered procedural knowledge in terms of cognitive psychology, which is to function as social schema. It is internalized in human beings and works as a frame of memory, thereby making daily communication possible. For example, the restaurant script consists of the procedures of entering a restaurant, ordering the food, eating the food, and paying the bill, and these procedures are socially standardized ritual, without which communication in the restaurant is not possible. Daily script is also closely connected to cultural value. It is different cultural value that makes the script of “going to see a doctor,” for instance, differ from country to country. Naturally, learning the difference between the source culture and the target culture using script contributes to the improvement of students’ intercultural communicative competence. The script-based instruction can enhance students’ understanding of drama as a genre and at the same time students’ English communicative and intercultural competence. In this model drama canon directly from English literature is not treated, but everyday script, like drama, has dramatic dialogues and actions and events that are developed in time sequence, so that it is possible to use dramatic techniques, such as role play, in class. The concept of script as dramatic text in daily life will be the alternative to drama education in EFL contexts like Korea.


Ⅰ. 드라마 교육의 어려움
Ⅱ. 스크립트의 개념 및 특성
Ⅲ. 스크립트와 언어 습득
Ⅳ. 스크립트 기반 언어ㆍ문화 통합 수업 방안
Ⅴ. 결론


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김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim). (2014).스크립트(script) 기반 언어ㆍ문화 통합 수업 방안. 영미문학교육, 18 (1), 55-81


김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim). "스크립트(script) 기반 언어ㆍ문화 통합 수업 방안." 영미문학교육, 18.1(2014): 55-81

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