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창의성과 수사학적 해석학

이용수 121

Creativity and Rhetorical Hermeneutics
정연재(Jeong, Yeon-Jae)
간행물 정보
『교육철학』敎育哲學 第43集, 287~308쪽, 전체 22쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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This article attempts to define and categorize rhetorical hermeneutics as a model for enhancing of creativity in teaching and learning at General Education. More specifically, this study lays the foundation for future work on good educational model for training of creative students. Thus it has attempted to sketch out the essential feature of rhetorical hermeneutics. This paper addresses creativity as human capability by considering the views of Aristoteles, Vico and Gadamer on rhetoric. This study is organized as follows. The first section clarifies rhetoric as source of creativity, publicity, communicative competence. The second section summarizes Road-map for obtaining of creativity from Critica to Topica. In denying the cartesian conception of knowledge as an private property, Vico asserts its public character. The function of enhancing of creativity and imagination cannot be performed by critical research. and so Vico supplements the Critica of Cartesian with the old Topica that is the art of finding arguments. The third section deals with Gadamer's dialectical hermeneutics groping for the infinite questionary route in consideration of human condition. he investigates Platonic Dialectic in a practical and ethical context. Both the fundamentally open-ended and ethical character of platonic philosophy are reflected, he observed, in its dialectical form. In Socratic dialogue Gadamer discerns a paradigm of the perfection of experience, for Socrates provides the model of indeterminate negation, the knowledge of not knowing, that eludes Hegel's dialectic of the limit. Socratic dialectic is an art of questioning. But it consists not in a method of making up questions, a technique of putting them, or even of answering them. Rather it consists in remaining open so that questions can still occur to answerer and questioner alike. Then final section summarizes the importance of the project for studies of rhetorical hermeneutics.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 수사학과 창의성
Ⅲ. 창의성 확보를 위한 로드맵: 비판론(Critica)에서 변증론(Topica)으로
Ⅳ. 해석학적 경험과 새로움의 문제
Ⅴ. 나가는 말


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정연재(Jeong, Yeon-Jae). (2011).창의성과 수사학적 해석학. 교육철학, 43 , 287-308


정연재(Jeong, Yeon-Jae). "창의성과 수사학적 해석학." 교육철학, 43.(2011): 287-308

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