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이명박 정부 교육정책에 대한 지젝의 ‘세 계론(three orders theory)’에 의거한 분석

이용수 190

An Analysis on Lee Myung Park Government's Educational Policies with Zizek's Three Order Theory
목영해(Mok, Young-Hai)
간행물 정보
『교육철학』敎育哲學 第43集, 105~129쪽, 전체 25쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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1:1 문의
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A purpose of this study is to analyze latent purposes of Lee Myung Park Government's educational policy. A measure which be used on the research is Zizek's 'Three Order Theory'. 'The Three Order Theory' refers to fields of three versions that psychological functions effect living of person. 'The Imaginary Order', first stage of 'The Three Order Theory' refers to field that a confirming to 'the other person' gives effects to living, 'The Symbolic Order' refers to field which a confirming to authority and rules gives effects to living, and 'The Real Order' refers to field which a committment to natural needs and drives gives effects to living. And something in 'The Imaginary Order' disguise true beings in the 'The Real Order', because that public appearance of anything in the 'The Real Order' make the self be dreadful. According to 'The three Order', the Lee Government's 'Improvement of Educational Competitive Power' and 'Building of Advanced Nation' are educational policies in terms of 'The Imaginary Order', because of the 'Improvement of Educational Competitive Power' and 'Building of Advanced Nation' refer to conforming to the educational system of the advanced nations as 'the Other'. the 'Building of Society that firmly estimates Laws and Principles' of the Lee Government are educational policies in terms of 'The Symbolic Order', because that the 'Building of Society that estimates Laws and Principles' refers to retrieving and keeping a strong public authority and enforcement through a schooling. Although without the appearanced statements, the true intents of the educational policy as latent one in terms of 'The Real Order' are 'reproduction of academic background and wealth for themselves as upper class people'. Although Lee Myung Park Government really wants to establish the educational policies for the reproduction of 'what they have', and fulfill them, they dose not dare to make an acting it out because of resistance of people who hate an unequality. So they suggest the 'Improvement of Educational Competitive Power' and 'Building of Advanced Nation' as a fantasy in order to cunningly disguise their real intention.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 지젝의 상상계-상징계-실재계 이론
Ⅲ. 지젝의 ‘세 계론’에 의거한 이명박 정부의 교육정책 분석
Ⅳ. 맺음 말


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목영해(Mok, Young-Hai). (2011).이명박 정부 교육정책에 대한 지젝의 ‘세 계론(three orders theory)’에 의거한 분석. 교육철학, 43 , 105-129


목영해(Mok, Young-Hai). "이명박 정부 교육정책에 대한 지젝의 ‘세 계론(three orders theory)’에 의거한 분석." 교육철학, 43.(2011): 105-129

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