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고전소설의 유통양상과 문학교육에서의 활용방안

이용수 172

A Study on the Distribution patterns of classic novels and Utilization in Education -Focusing the seventh training courses of middle school korean language-
金鎭榮(Jin-young, Kim)
간행물 정보
『어문연구』語文硏究 第66輯, 97~122쪽, 전체 26쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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Until now it is studied about distribution aspect of classic novel and useful way of literature education. After being considered of distribution background of classic novel, it is studied distribution aspect of classic novel which is divided into literature and arts. And then distribution way of classic novel and useful way of literature education is examined some way. The main contents is summarized as follows. First, classic novel is expanded synchronically at the latter part of choseon dynasty. Because of political, social and economical change, its demand goes on increasing rapidly. Here general people who is main enjoyment class of orally transmitted literature is be a documentary literature's accept class, korean literature is prevalent. With this changing background, classic novel became a typical popular literature. Especially, there are various circulation for the expanding of novel demand. Second, it is considered distribution aspects of classic novel. Classic novel is satisfy popular acceptance in the latter part of the Choseon Dynasty, so it seeks various distribution way. First in literature it is distributed by oral and book. In oral, it is distributed a poem by singing and narrative by storytelling. In book, manuscript and block book and old type are published. Meanwhile recitation that a way of book circulation is made by stage actor's various expressions and actions, but the text is required book firstly. And it is distributed visual arts and performing arts and image arts. A visual arts is a painting, and performing arts is a pansori or play. In 20 centuries, mass media distribution which is drama or cinema is a main media for a classic novel distribution. Third, it is studied about distribution way of classic novel and useful way of literature education. Classic novel is distributed various literature and arts, then receive attention as our traditional culture. But in present curriculum, classic novel is a study object and it is used only educational topic. So in spite of classic novel is main contents that is build our moral culture, it is not educated in its entirety. So it needs to educate a studying used various distribution way of classic novel. That is a pointer which is understanding way about classic novel's identity and work's characteristic. In other words, as studying plan will be made by used literature and artistic distribution way, so our education will serve two ends with traditional culture and classic novel.


1. 서론
2. 古典小說의 流通背景
3. 古典小說의 流通樣相
4. 고전소설의 유통방편과 문학교육적 활용방안
5. 결론


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金鎭榮(Jin-young, Kim). (2010).고전소설의 유통양상과 문학교육에서의 활용방안. 어문연구, 66 , 97-122


金鎭榮(Jin-young, Kim). "고전소설의 유통양상과 문학교육에서의 활용방안." 어문연구, 66.(2010): 97-122

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