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한국아파트 마케팅 전략에 관한 연구

이용수 185

A Study on the Marketing Strategy of Apartment in Korea
김철호(Kim Cheol Ho) 김형식(Kim Hyeong Sik)
간행물 정보
『부동산학보』不動産學報 第31輯, 325~346쪽, 전체 22쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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  The purpose of the study is to establish effective marketing strategies through reviewing theoretical backgrounds of marketing plans for the products of apartments and deriving them from a questionnaire survey and in turn comparing and analysing the influential factors including customers" purchasing behavior when it comes to apartments, on apartment marketing.
  Frequency analysis through a questionnaire survey.
  The reason for selecting persons with no less than 20 years of age living in Seoul and the National Capital region as the subjects of the questionnaire survey on customers" purchasing behavioral characteristics and influential factors affecting apartment marketing in Korea, is that apartments in the National Capital region play a representative role having an enormous effect on the nation-wide apartment prices. The researcher analysed factors such as products, prices and promotions on which customers are influenced and thus affecting marketing strategies, through closely examining the respondents" housing status.
  For an empirical analysis, a statistical analysis were conducted by using a sociological statistical processing package (SPSS 13.0) based on collected data from returned survey sheets.
  In apartment marketing in Korea, apartments to be newly constructed which do not meet customers" requirements come to remain unsold and thereby competition among construction companies has become deepened more, so it is very necessary to introduce new marketing methods for apartments in Korea as strategies to have a good grip on customers" needs and to provide optimal products.
  First, important external factors affecting customers" purchasing, it was found that comfortable housing circumstances, educational arid convenient facilities and prices, while for internal factors, it was found that the location and arrangement of apartment buildings and views form apartments, thus it was analysed that housing environment equipped with convenience for transportation is preferred.
  Second, for persons in their 20s, policy considerations should be made in order that they may be easy to access housing loans when they plan to purchase apartments.
  Third, when establishing price strategies, it is important that one should analyse perceived proper prices by customers and prepare products meeting those price requirements.
  Forth, since there are differences in sale prices depending on the number of stories and directions of apartments even if the apartments are in the same apartment complex, if one enhances flexibility through appling some graded price and so on to widen customers" options, new apartment selling rates will be enhanced.
  Fifth, one should research and analyse accurately how the brand images of construction companies affect apartment selling and then implant positive brand images of the company into customers and thereby make it result in sales improvement.
  Sixth, one should establish marketing-facilitating strategies through which one can reinforce customers" purchasing will more and make this lead to their subscription and signing of contracts.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 아파트 마케팅의 고찰
Ⅲ. 아파트 마케팅 전략
Ⅳ. 아파트 마케팅 믹스 전략의 영향 요인 연구
Ⅴ. 효과적인 마케팅 전략 방안
Ⅵ. 결론


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김철호(Kim Cheol Ho),김형식(Kim Hyeong Sik). (2007).한국아파트 마케팅 전략에 관한 연구. 부동산학보, 31 , 325-346


김철호(Kim Cheol Ho),김형식(Kim Hyeong Sik). "한국아파트 마케팅 전략에 관한 연구." 부동산학보, 31.(2007): 325-346

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