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『華嚴經』 「十廻向品」의 三種廻向

이용수 367

Three fold of Transferring in the Book of Ten Transferring(十廻向品), Avataṃsaka Sūtra(華嚴經)
권탄준(Kwon Tan-jun)
간행물 정보
『보조사상』普照思想 第27輯, 451~486쪽, 전체 36쪽
인문학 > 불교학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

  『화엄경』에서 교설된 회향의 특징은 두 가지로 살펴볼 수 있다. 하나는 『화엄경』에 설해진 십주?십행?십회향?십지의 보살도 수행 측면에서 회향을 수행의 필수 계위로 설정한 점이고, 다른 하나는 「십회향품」이라고 하는 방대한 분량의 독립된 품을 설정하여 회향에 대해 다각도로 설하고 있는 점이다.
  『화엄경』보살도 체계에서 보살은 보살도의 완성을 위하여, 십주(十住)?십행(十行)?십회향(十廻向)?십지(十地)의 40위의 수행 차례를 거치게 된다. 십주?십행?십회향?십지의 수행 계위의 조직은 처음으로 성립한 것이고, 이것을 여러 경전에서 원용(援用)하여 대승보살도 체계의 전형(典型)이 되었다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 이 과정에서 십회향을 설정하고 있기 때문에 회향과 보살도와의 관계가 불가분의 관계임을 알 수 있다.
  열 가지 회향은 모두 끝없는 보살행의 대원(大願)을 수순하는 것을 근본으로 하고 보현법계의 덕용(德用)을 성취하여 원만한 깨달음을 이루고 일체의 세계에서 두루 널리 중생구제의 자비행을 실현하여 실제의 진리에 계합하려고 하는 것이다. 그러므로 열 가지의 회향에는 각각 보리회향?중생회향?진여[실제]회향의 삼종회향의 뜻이 모두 들어 있기 때문에 십회향은 결국 세 가지 회향을 설하는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서『화엄경』의 십회향은 혜원(A.D.523~592)이 찬술한『大乘義章』에서 보리회향?중생회향?실제회향이라고 하는 명문화된 명칭으로 설해지는 삼종회향의 실질적 근거가 될 수 있다고 할 수가 있을 것이다.

영문 초록

  Avata?saka S?tra(華嚴經) have been usually regarded as one of the outstanding buddhist texts that show the path of Bodhisattva realizing his ideal life for the enlightenment. In this text, transferring merit is listed as one of the Bodhisattva"s practices to fulfil his path to enlightenment so thus, among the Books of the S?tra, the Book of Ten Transferring have been noticed by its own great deal of length. Transferring, as a basis of Bodhisattva"s energy to pursue his generous activation main Buddhist thoughts, has been well described with its philosophical ideas in the Book of Ten Transferring of Avata?saka S?tra. The greater version(大本) of Avata?saka S?tra seems to be the one sole foundation to teach its idea of Ten Transferring and also would not be any other texts but this S?tra in order to find out the title or name itself.
  Main ways that represents the idea of Transferring in Avata?saka S?tra would be found in two directions. From one direction the Transferring woud be taken as the indispensible step of the Bodhisattva"s practice that is among the serial progress ways of Ten Stays, Stages, Ten Practices, Ten Transferring, Ten Stages.
  In other direction, it is also approached from the various angles that however are accumulated in one independent Book that solely treats its own subject.
  First, On the philosophical background of Praj?aparamita texts that mainly teaches about the Sunya(Empty) Avata?saka S?traturns its philosophy to the daily living practice and takes its foundation on the Ten Stages. Therefore, in order to fulfil the Bodhisattva"s path, Bodhisattva takes his course of Forty stages like Ten Stays, Ten Practices, Ten Transferring, Ten Stages. The systematic arrangement for the Bodhisattva"s practice of Ten Stays, Ten Practices, Ten Transferring, Ten Stages newly established for the first time in this text, and it seems to consequently have been setas an paradigmatic standard for the Bodhisattva"s path after numerous citations of the contents within other texts. In this course of times the relation of Transferring and Bodhisattva Path has been settled down.
  Second, following after the Diamond Banner Bodhisattva saying "out of the great vow of Bodhisattva Mahasattvas, which is abundant in the Dharma realm, the all living beings should be saved from the suffering, and this is all the result from the transferring of all buddhas of three times" the texts begins to explain the Ten Transferring.
  Beginning with the great vow for endless Bodhisattva"s practices, These Ten Transferring takes its aim to attain the non-boundless enlightenment and finally entering the realm of the ultimate reality by the generous virtuous acts of saving all living beings around worlds. Because in the sense of Ten Transferring we find the meaning of Transferring of Bodhi, Transferring of Living Beings, and Tansferring of Reality, when it comes to talk about the Ten Transferring it is thus to say about this Three Fold Transferring.


국문 초록
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 대승불교와 회향사상
Ⅲ. 『화엄경』의 수행도와 회향 계위
Ⅳ. 「십회향품」의 회향사상
Ⅴ. 십회향과 삼종회향
Ⅵ. 맺음말
참고 문헌


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권탄준(Kwon Tan-jun). (2007).『華嚴經』 「十廻向品」의 三種廻向. 보조사상, 27 , 451-486


권탄준(Kwon Tan-jun). "『華嚴經』 「十廻向品」의 三種廻向." 보조사상, 27.(2007): 451-486

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